Answered Prayers from the Immaculate Conception Novena, 2017

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Immaculate Conception NovenaThank you for joining us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena! If you have had any prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below!


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  1. God heard the concerns from my heart, not the ones that I was praying about, but he answered those not in my novena prayers. God knows all and is divine in understanding what we all really need! Amen!

  2. Thank you Jesus &Mary for something I had not prayed for except in a general way, We are so amazed that my son-in-law who has said for 25 years that he would never become a catholic, with no prompting from any of us, has started RCIA and says he wants to join the church! He said God was changing him inside. It is so awesome.

  3. Thank you, Blessed Mother! My daughter has finally broken up with the fellow she has been dating for several years!
    Please continue to answer my prayer that she meet a good, practicing, Catholic man, and that she change her mind and be open to having children.

    Also, please protect my son and his neighbors who are in the path of the fires in Southern California.

  4. Miracle! Our son, asked for the family baptismal gown for his 10 month old. We will have a Christmas baptism!! Also…..a sacramental wedding : ) Glory be to God and his most Blessed Mother!

  5. I pray for the 3 babies, their mother used bad judgement and is not in their lives, I pray God leads us on how to handle baby G, if she is B child. I praying for peace, hope and happiness and love for our elves and the lord. Praying for all my children and grandchildren prosperity, love and close family relationships. I pray for good health and healing

  6. Our heavenly mother ;
    I want to thank you for my answered prayer,I got a dentist who will be helping me with my dental situation I thank you with all my heart.I will soon be able to smile again and not be embarrassed,it was an awful feeling, thank you my Mother.In Jesus`name Amen

  7. i thank God He has done for me a miracle in my exams, ever since i started studying i have been feeling discouraged, but when i started my exams on monday i kept on praying this novena as i pray for my exams, surely i remain with one paper tomorrow but am strong not like previous time.

  8. My son Eoin had emergency surgery at 0200 Sunday morning for 3 ruptured discs. One had hemorrhaged and he had no sensation from his waist down. He was out walking his dog when this happened at 11pm. The dog ran away and Eoin thought ” God let him go find someone to help” The dog, a rescue ran home and barked outside their house at the same time his father in law was pulling up driving the Towns ambulance. By this time his wife came out of the house, saw the dog with no Eoin. The dog grabbed her hand and pulled her so she picked up the leash and ran with him. He brought him to Eoin who was on the ground unable to walk. Her dad had followed in the ambulance and the two of them got Eoin into the back. They stopped at home to tell her mom and then headed to the hospital where his neurosurgeon was expecting him. He had an MRI and was in surgery by 0200 and out by 0900 the next morning. I spoke with him today, he walked his boys to the bus stop and had little pain and the numbness is gone. If that isnt a miracle I dont know what is. THANK YOU JESUS.

  9. Thank you for prayers. My grown children are not communicating but I seen signs of hope yesterday. Thank you Mother Mary for this prayer I know you will guide them to be together in harmony. Please be with my children and there spouses. Amen


  11. Thank you Mother Mary for your intercession. Of my many intentions, I prayed that my car could be fixable. I prayed also that I could afford to pay for the repairs on a fixed income. Well, my prayers have been answered. The owner of the auto repair shop is giving me five months to pay my bill. That is truly unheard of. If you don’t have the money, you are out of luck. For him to let me make payments is a blessing. Thank you so much Mary and our Lord. God bless everyone who prayed this novena with me and that their intentions will be heard and answered at God’s will. Have a wonderful season of Advent.

  12. My soldier is still on US soil and will be coming home for Christmas…thank you for the prayers and May God bless everyone praying.

  13. Thank you Mother Mary for interceding with your son and our Saviour Jesus Christ. My son who was looking for a job that fits his profile got job offer today the 9th day of the Novena.
    I thank My Lord for allowing this intention as per your will
    Thank you Jesus Thank you my Mother
    Praise you and Adore you the Holy Trinity Amen

  14. Thank you for the Immaculate Conception Novena. My request for
    my husbands eye problem would improve. I thank the Blessed
    Immaculate Mary for being with me and my husband through difficult times.

  15. I have been praying many Novena’s that a friend of mine finds a full time job and yesterday I found out that they were offered a job.

  16. Please pray for my 16 y/o granddaughter who is struggling in school with grades and her bad attitude. She has fallen through the cracks in life due to a divorce and drug/alcohol abuse by her parents.
    Please pray that she finds peace & guidance. I ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen

  17. My test results were cancer-free! Thank you Lord, Mary, and the many saints to whom I prayed. Please continue to watch over me. my children, and my grandchildren. Amen.

  18. I am so pleased that Jerusalem is now being recognized at the capital of Israel. God answers prayers that are prayed for the whole world.

  19. I thank God Almighty who reign in heaven & on earth& the Blessed Virgin Mary for an answering my prayer request for an overseas job.
    Glory be to God in the highest & I thank the Immaculate Virgin Mary for her intercession prayers.. Amen and Amen

  20. Thank you Mama Mary for your powerful intercession. Thank you for healing me of the severe pain that I use to get in my knees,
    for helping me to walk better, please help me to be able to bend my knees and to be cured completely of osteoarthritis so that I may be able to kneel and adore your Loving Son Jesus. Please continue to guide, guard and protect us and keep us safe under your mantle of blue.

  21. Dearest Mother, Immaculate Conception. I received my CT scan results this morning. I asked you to intercede that my children and I would get good news and we did. The tumours are still there, but they are much reduced in size, which my oncologist is very pleased about as I have only had 7 chemo treatments and a forced 3 week break in the middle of that due to reacting to the chemotherapy. You have given this little family hope, light and joy in a time of great trial. I give praise and thanks to you Mother for your love and compassion and to your blessed Son our Saviour for his great mercy to me. I pray that my health continues to improve in the weeks and months ahead. I leave these prayers of thanksgiving and trust, in humility and faith at your feet. Amen.

  22. Did not have a relationship with one of my sons and yesterday
    called and asked me for dinner !! So Happy and so thankful God Bless !!

  23. I had asked for help financially to be able to cover all my kids Christmas gifts and Im very happy because I’m half way done. I always pray the novena where ever Im at !!! # prayers work#

  24. I thank Lord for my house I was praying for has got an offer. Thank you Mother Mary for interceeding for me to your beloved Son. Thanks to all who prayed with and payed for me.


  25. Thank you Blessed Lady for having your Son get my daughter a new health insurance plan for her family. She gave me the news yesterday as soon as she was told. God be praised.

  26. Thank dear mother for hearing and answering my concerns for a divided family and indifference to your own Dear Son Jesus…continue to be us during our family medical issues and unity issues…I do see some reaching out to me although for many years there has been resentment with me trying to share faith efforts with non believers within my family.. circle…

    Jesus, Mary and Joseph I love you and Trust You, save souls…Amen & Amen

  27. Prayers for healing for my cousin experiencing a discharge, all testing show no sign of cancer, thanks be to God and our Lady

  28. My grandson pain in the stomach stopped, and I know all my other request will be forfilled too. Thank You prayer Family and All the Saints who always intercedes for me. Amen

  29. Giving thanks and praise to our blessed mother. Been praying for a Job for my husband. He received a offer with a company, offering full benefits. We are so grateful. Thank you Lord and thank you pray more novenas for supporting this email. May God continue to bless you and your outreach. Amen

  30. Dear heavenly Father, I pray that Tiffany will have a fast and easy delivery of Kevin. That there is no complications for either one of them.
    I pray that Madisson move today goes well and no fights. I really miss my husband.

  31. Thank you Blessed Mother for answering my prayers…my financial situation has gotten much better… All praise to Mary and Jesus..Amen!

  32. God do really hears our prayer…
    When I recited this novena on the very 1st day and until this day, God answered every petitions that I asked. I am so very thankful that eventhough I am a sinner HE never leave me alone on my problems. God is really good!

  33. I ask for one prayer that my project I’m working on will wow the networks . It’s been a long road with ups and downs , but I’m finally here ????❤️

  34. Have been praying for 2 years for daughter`s employment and she was offered job on last day of the St. Jude novena. Thank you God.

  35. Give praise and thanks to our Blessed Mother on behalf of my prayers for my brother who had heart surgery and it was successful. The doctor marveled that he did not have a heart attack prior to the surgery as he had around 70% blockage in the left artery and as the doctor again said, it was starving for air.

  36. The day before the novena started my brother in law went into the hospital with internal bleeding. He had a double lung transplant 5 months ago. He is now home and the bleeding has stopped.

  37. Blessed Mother thank you for your love, tenderness and special care. I have been praying for Holy friends and I have new Holy friends.
    I have been praying for my husband to receive his commission and raise and promotion and I don’t have confirmation, but our Lord has affirmed it on my ❤️. It’s coming Friday. Please blessed Mother keep interceding for my intentions. I pray my husband go to confession and he said he would go. Please blessed Mother intercede for my husband that the Holy Spirit shower him with love, praise and gratitude for our faith, our marriage, our children, our health and all of our blessings. Amen.

  38. I continue to pray that God makes me a Saint. Give me the power to forgive the people I love that has hurt me. I am so thankful for all that you have given me Dear Lord. I continue to pray for a miracle for my husband who continues to fight the battle of Cancer, that you will put your loving arms around him and heal him of this disease. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  39. That all people treat each other the way Jesus treated others with kindness, respect and love for our brothers and sisters. That if we see a human, animal, or creature God created we look in amazement and give thanks and treat that creature with a child like love. No matter how hard it maybe. Also, that my grandchild be born this spring healthy and that I am able to fill him with all the spiritual teachings that Jesus wants him to be filled with and pass onto others.

  40. My father’s surgery went better than expected!!! The dr got most of the tumor and my dad doesn’t need a permanent tracheotomy!!!

  41. God is so good. My prayers were answered for a safe speedy surgery I had yesterday. All went very well with our Lord standing right there with me. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  42. I truly think I am a little better. I also have been chewing on some mints that were made with water from Lourdes!

  43. My prayers have been heard. I already see some changes and more to come I’m sure. I continue to pray to have my intentions answered and thank God everyday for all his blessings.

  44. In thanksgiving for hope of a prayer answered. I have been praying for peace between a sister and I who have been battling with hurt feelings for years. I have had 2 positive exchanges with her since my novena prayers have begun. Let the healing continue in this season of miracles.

  45. Mother of god I am asking you to send my mom what is best for her .she is 87 years old in the hospital with heart problem suffering please if god have a will for he to live longer help heal ,don’t let her suffer ,she is in your arm Ann Jesus arm ,give me the power the strength to deal with it

  46. I am going through a difficult divorce where my Ex husband abused me emotionally ( verbal confrontation ), took the money out from our bank accounts, took the house key, car key and package my cloth in plastic bags. I did not have a Law Firm to represent me in this case since I do not have money. However, a miracle happened during this novena. I now have a lawyer that took my case as an random act of kindness, I have money send to me from family and friends for my daily living expensive. I have a place to live and a job offer. I am overwhelmed of many blessings.

    Thank you

  47. I had a pelvic exam that showed a lot of abnormality, and the doctor seemed extremely concerned that it could be cervical cancer. Test results were supposed to take 10-14 days, and I was in great distress waiting, even though I tried very hard to pray for God’s will to be done, and to trust in Jesus. The first day of the novena, in which I prayed that it not be cancer, was only two days after my Pap and blood test. That very evening, I received my test results showing no abnormal cervical cells and all blood tests in the normal range! I thank Mary Immaculate for her intercession and praise the Lord!

  48. Prayed for financial stability. My husband received bonus yesterday. Prayed for my son’s health and heccontinues to do well. Prayed for my job…things are going well; good staff! Thank you Immaculate Conception for the many blessings. Amen!!

  49. My prayer to help with my alcoholism has been greatly enhanced with the help of Mother Mary, and all the angels and saints, and of course the Trinity. Thank You so much. Also I am encouraged to be part of the communal family.

  50. I have been having serious financial trouble for the past 5 years. I mean sporadic income but for months at a time none at all. I have been feeling like such a burdon to my family. I honestly believe I hold the record for sending out most CVs in the entire world, locally and internationally because I am very qualified. I began this novena with you all and 2 days ago Mary answered my prayer and I got an amazing job. Right now Im reviewing the offer letter which is beyond my expectations. This is nothing other than the hand of my beautiful Mother who always takes care of her children. So thank you for helping be to get back on my feet. Bless you both.

  51. Thank you Blessed Mother for bring someone into my life.
    I pray that this blessing you have given to me, be bless and wonderful.
    Thank you once again for answering my prayers..

  52. Misty and baby boy, Thomas, are home from the hospital and Thomas is responding well to his mother’s gentle care. He can move his arm and, in time, may have full use. The Lord is kind and merciful.

  53. I graduated from Nursing School. I bless the name of God for this. He made it possible. Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus!

  54. Entire family has been in prayer for a job for my brother – he found out yesterday he was offered one suitable for financial stability for his family! Amen!Amen!

  55. Our Blessed Lady has been instrumental in helping my son find a great job opportunity. She has also been my guardian every day. I ask the Blessed Lady to thank her Son for looking out for my family and friends everyday. Hopefully She will continue to answer the prayers of all that seek her mighty intervention from her Son.

  56. I was struggling to get bills paid this month and I was and as always readung my Novena prayer’s and believing God for a miracle anf I was blessed with an extra $500.00. Praise God for his faithfulness and his blessings.


  58. My son and his daughter have been astranged for years. I have prayed for years that their relationship would be healed and become a loving relationship in God’s eyes. They have met and the relationship is growing stronger. Thank you God for answered prayers and the many blessings.

  59. Thank you God my son got admission in January and you help my husband in his debts. I thank everyone in the pray group for pray for us. May god bless with good health and have a great x’mas

  60. Emmaculate Conception mother Mary thamk you for answered prayers. My daughter went for an interview and got a job. Please mother Mary continue to guide her give her confidance and wisdom in her new job.
    My holy mother grant me the willingness to suffer for the sake of coming closer to Jesus Christ.
    Make me holy and a saint by showing love to my God my family and others.
    Help me to be humble and have more faith in my spiritual journey.
    Thank you for praying for me

  61. My prayer was answered on the very first day about a hour after I started the Novena. Thanks for sharing the Novenas with everyone. Thanks to God for answering my prayer. God bless all!!!

  62. We have been praying every novena for my granddaughter,Emily’s recovery both physically and emotionally. She seems to be doing much better. I continue to pray that our Blessed Mother will stay with her.
    Thanks for praying with me.

  63. We praise and thank you Blessed Mother for your powerful intercession. We prayed for my partner to receive glorious news back from the doctor who was testing for what stage cancer she had after a malignant cysts was removed from her ovaries. Through our Blessed Lady from the Lord we received the news that the cancer was stage 1, it had not spread and was confined to the cyst. She is cancer free. PRAISE BE THE LORD AND OUR BLESSED MOTHER!!!! Thank you

  64. Thank God I have lots of prayers
    Answered this week Big and Small
    Miracles I thank you both for this ministery May Almighty GOD BLESS YOU BOTH AND YOUR PEOPLE PRAYING WITH US AMEN

  65. My daughter has been suffering with stomach pain and not able to get an appointment at Mayo Clinic until January. Suddenly there was an opening for her on December 8th. The Immaculate Conception. Thank you Mother Mary

  66. I prayed that our adoption process would proceed on to the next stage and on the first day of the novena., our documents were submitted and we officially began the next stage. We are naming our daughter after our Lady and she has been interceding so hard for us with her prayers. Thank you Lord Jesus and Immaculaate Mary for hearing my prayers.

    I pray for all the intentions of everyone else doing this novena with me.

  67. Dear Mama Mary,
    I continue to pray for my daughter GVGR to be healed and cured of her seizure disorder. Mama Mary please have mercy on my daughter, and present to our Lord God the Father, and to your son Jesus Christ my prayer for my daughter to outgrow and overcome her seizure disorder, for all the causes and triggers of her seizure be healed, for all her other abnormalities be healed, for her to return to her normal ways and activities, and for her to land a job in accordance with the will of our Lord God the Father and your son Jesus Christ.
    Thank you very much. We love you Mama Mary.

  68. My granddaughter, who has been on chemo seven times over the past six years, has been selected for targeted gene therapy. I thank God, the Holy Trinity and Mary for allowing her to have this opportunity. Please pray with me that this will be a successful treatment.

    God Bless and Merry Christmas to all.

  69. Praying that Jacob is inspired by the Holy Spirit for his future choices after graduation. He is peaceful and happy on his journey compared to frustrated and scared. Holy Spirit continue to give him the clarity and guidance to do your Holy Will. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen

  70. Praying for intentions within. Additionally, I pray for God’s will regarding my life, son, spouse, housing, etc. I know God is doing something, I am doing my best to stay calm during this titanic storm!

  71. Son was hired for a permanent job. He has been trying for 3 years to get a job in his field. Mary let us know in the middle of the might when a broken clock started playing Ave Maria in the middle of the night. It was song I used to sing for Mary in the month of May. The clock was a statue of Our Lady of Lordes. This is significant because my son was born on her feast day.

  72. Some things were brought to our attention regarding our son that need desperate and immediate attention. I knew there was something going on but could not figure it out. I’m so grateful for this revelation and pray desperately that my husband and I now respond correctly. Thank-you.

  73. Thank you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary, I was praying for a special intention, but the Lord directed me to take care of a previous problem, before helping me with my intention. We serve a mighty God indeed.

  74. I have been praying since this summer, when I was diagnosed with inoperable grade 4 metastatic cancer of unknown origin. 9 weeks of chemo and prayers shrunk the tumor, and surgery was possible. 9 more weeks of chemo, many more prayers. On Dec 4, I was declared cancer free. It might come back, but God has given me a 2nd chance. I am so very blessed.

  75. My nephew’s student visa application for Canada was rejected on his first attempt. He reapplied in the first week of November. Yesterday we received the wonderful news of the approval of his visa. Thank you Mother dearest for interceding and granting our petition. Thank you Jesus, all the Saints and our dearly departed Souls in heaven. Continue to guide and bless my nephew in every moment of his life.

  76. Mother Mary, Mother of God, Please bless me with your holiness. Please give continued faith to put my trust in you in everything I do. I ask for your assistance in bringing Danny home for the holidays and blessings for my mother as she goes through her illness. Give her faith and courage and thank you for all blessings received this day.

  77. I thank God for his mercy and for answering some of my prayers I known that the remaining ones will be answered according to my father’s will thank you my mother Mary for your love may Jesus have mercy on us Amen

  78. Thank you Blessed Mother and Jesus for answering my prayers. I been without work for months and I was called back. I start back tomorrow. Please continue to Pray for me in Jesus Name AMEN

  79. I asked to be healed from my back pain and leg and foot numbing and tingling. I have been going though several Dr. and finally on Monday the new Dr I went see was able to tell me what was going on and that it is fixable… but I will have to have surgery so now I ask for prayers that the surgery will will be the less invasive way and that I chose the right dr. And I want have to miss to much work. Thank y’all for praying for me.

  80. A blessing in this word:
    “Surrender to Him desiring you.
    Do the love His invasion impels.
    Endure what pain this involves
    as your passage to a blessed place:
    Jesus increasingly living in and with you.”

  81. Please lift our family friend FM in prayers. Some very vindictive and spiteful individuals have tried to cause her plus another family member some problems. I ask for a deep, penetrating shield of protection around FM, her family, and another family member who tried to help intervene, but the perpetrators are trying to target his family as well in another state. One of the perpetrators had a sexual harassment charge against him at a nursing home by another male employee. He couldn’t get any promotions, etc and so now he is working for himself.

    We are praying ourselves as well for FM to be able to defend herself, if needed since no one can constantly be around to intervene if any problems arise.

    Thankful to Our ABBA Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit for their love, mercy, and hope bestowed on everyone daily. Amen