You Are Very Generous!
Step 1 - Choose Your Donation Type:

We are so glad that this service has been such a blessing to you that you've decided to support it!
Here are Your Two Options:
You can make a normal donation OR you can use your donation to become a Special Member.
Because Special Members give a minimum amount, we give them added benefits.
Special Member Donation | One-Time Donation |
Make a recurring donation of at least $7/month or $84/year and you will get the added benefits of being a Special Member! |
Make a donation of any amount to help us spread the prayers! |
“Always pray and never give up.”
- Luke 18:1
Thank you for helping us reach more people with prayer!

We're praying for you!
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie -
What is a Special Membership Donation?
When you are a Special Member, we will…
- Have a special mass offered for you every month
- Make sure you are the first to know about the next novena!
- Create a special printable version of each novena for you to use
- Send you an e-Newsletter to show the impact of your support
- Let you help us decide which novenas to pray
- Give you an advance copy of all of our future prayer e-books — for free!
So, how much does it cost to become a Special Member?
Well, I want to let you decide that. You can pay what you want.
You could make it $30 per month
You could make it $15 per month
You could make it $10 per month
But, as a minimum, it will take only $7 per month to get your Special Membership. Or you can make an annual donation for a minimum of only $84 (that's less than 25 cents per day!).
Special Member Donation | One-Time Donation |
Make a recurring donation of at least $7/month or $84/year and you will get the added benefits of being a Special Member! |
Make a donation of any amount to help us spread the prayers! |
“Always pray and never give up.”
- Luke 18:1
General Questions?
How can you ask for money for prayers?
We see PrayMoreNovenas as something similar to “listener supported radio”. A lot of people benefit, but only a small number of generous people support it. That small number of people support it because it is helpful to them AND because they are so generous that they want it to help others.
We will never force people to pay to use PrayMoreNovenas - and your donation is what makes it so that others around the world can use it free of charge.
If I give will I be inundated with donation requests?
We will never share or sell your information. You can be confident that giving to us will not result in a flurry of donation requests from other organizations :)
Also, we almost never send out snail mail so you won't be receiving repeated mail requests from us.
The only increase in contact from us will be for us to thank you and if you join the Special Membership you will receive a monthly eNewsletter.
Why are you asking for money? Aren't emails free?
Good question! Regular email is free, but sending emails to tens of thousands of people requires special software that can handle the large number of emails and that can comply with federal laws. This software currently costs us almost $1500/month.
Other costs include:
- Keeping the Website Running - Monthly Website Hosting fees
- Making Work - Annual Website Domain fees
- Keeping the systems up to date - Periodic software/computer maintenance
There are also several other costs required to run the website. As the number of subscribers grow, all these costs grow as well. That's why we must ask for your support.
Who should NOT give?
Pray More Novenas is meant to be a blessing to you, not a burden! So, there are some people who should not give at this time.
- If you and your family are struggling financially, please do not give. We don't want your gift to contribute to your struggles.
- If you are in debt or are not employed right now, please do not give. We don't want you to go into more debt supporting this ministry.
If you give and are in one of the above situations and we find out, we will refund your donation. We are serious about being a blessing to you!
If your situation is different from those above, then please do contribute to help us spread the prayers!
You have so many subscribers! If everyone just gave a few dollars, you'd be rich! Why do you need all that money?
If only that's how it worked!
However, every subscriber does not give. In fact, only a very small percentage of those who benefit from this service actually give.
Some of our subscribers are struggling financially. Many are in poor countries where credit cards and bank accounts are not common. Others are in countries whose currencies are not accepted by online transaction software. Some simply missed the email that asked them to give.
Although we have many subscribers, we have much fewer givers.
Is PrayMoreNovenas a Non-Profit?
PrayMoreNovenas is not a registered 501c3 non-profit organization at this time. Right now, we have it organized under our business Deddens Media LLC. This is because it would take a lot of time and effort to create a new organization and file for 501c3 status. We would rather spend that time and effort helping people pray!
The main benefit of having 501c3 status is for people who make large gifts to gain a tax benefit. However, we only ask for small donations, so this is not a big concern for most people who donate to us.
Do you receive compensation for all this work?
We put many hours into running Pray More Novenas and praying for you and other in the community. This started off as a volunteer project and I just paid for expenses out of pocket. However, it has grown so much, that I eventually had to begin asking for financial help to pay for expenses as I mentioned above. Not only did the costs increase, but the demands on our time increased as well. Annie decided to quit her job to work on this ministry full-time a while back and I too now work full-time keeping this ministry running. So, yes we receive compensation after all the expenses are paid. This allows us to continue this service.
Do you accept my currency?
If you have a credit or debit card, chances are that we accept your currency.
You can enter the number of US dollars above and the currency conversion will take place automatically in the background so that the appropriate amount of your currency is withdrawn from your card. It's important that you know that conversion rate of your currency to USD. To find this, just search the internet.
Please scroll up and support this novena service!
Special Member Donation | One-Time Donation |
Make a recurring donation of at least $7/month or $84/year and you will get the added benefits of being a Special Member! |
Make a donation of any amount to help us spread the prayers! |
“Always pray and never give up.”
– Luke 18:1