St. Thomas Aquinas Novena

St. Thomas Aquinas Novena

Started by Amy

This novena has ended on September 9, 2020.

About St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas lived in the 13th century in Italy and is one of the great teachers of the medieval Catholic Church. He is a Doctor of the Church and is known as the Angelic Doctor due to his writings about the Catholic faith.

Although he was called, “Dumb Ox” by his teachers as a young boy, he really just had such a brilliant mind that he was mentally on another level altogether.

St. Thomas Aquinas is best known for his writings. He wrote about the unity between faith and reason and that everything comes from God the Creator. The Summa Theologica was his last and most famous work. Many people view St. Thomas as a great philosopher like Plato or Aristotle. However, on his death bed he said, “All that I have written seems to me like so much straw compared to what I have seen and what has been revealed to me.”

St. Thomas Aquinas Novena Prayers

St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Pray for students both for those who learn easily and for those who struggle with their studies. May they be open to learning the truth.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for the Church to grow and to have more priests, religious and lay people who live authentic Christian lives. Strengthen the Pope, theologians and missionaries as they work to spread the Gospel.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, you said that you learned more from prayer in front of the tabernacle than from hours of studying. Pray that I may come to love and respect the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Help me to know deeply that every time I receive the Eucharist I am receiving Jesus Christ, in the flesh, within me.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, when you were young, your classmates called you a, “dumb ox”. Instead of arguing with them or fighting back you endured their insults humbly. Pray for me that I may also be humble, like you, when people try to tear me down or insult me.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, you knew that God was calling you to the priesthood early on in your life but your family forced you to stay at home. You were patient and waited until they finally allowed you to go to seminary. Pray for all people to be patient while discerning their vocations in life. May the vocations of priests, religious, married couples and single people strengthen the Church with their lived examples of patience, love and faith.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, when you were struggling with a problem when writing about theology you always turned to God in prayer for clarity. Pray for me so that I may be more like you, always seeking guidance from God through prayer.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, you were very charitable to everyone you met. As a theologian, you did not mock the people who argued with you but treated them with respect and consideration. Help me to be more loving like you so that I may treat my family, friends and acquaintances with the same holy love.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, you dedicated your life to looking for the truth and teaching others what you had learned. Your work as a theologian and philosopher have made you a great doctor of the Church. Help me to be more like you so that I may also seek the truth in all things. Pray also for those who are lost in lies and bring them to the truth of the Gospel.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, you chose St. Thomas Aquinas to write about Your Word and the Christian faith, help me to be educated by the faith that is revealed in his writings.

St. Thomas Aquinas, your family tried to persuade you to get married by sending a woman to seduce you. You resisted her advances because of your dedication to your vocation, purity and chastity. Help us to not fall into sin in our secular society. Pray to end abortion, abuse, and pornography. Protect marriages from infidelity and help Christians to be advocates for the dignity of everyone.

You had such a brilliant mind that you were able to uncover and explain mysteries of the Catholic faith for all the faithful. Help us to ponder the greatness of our God and our faith. St. Thomas, pray for us and ask the Lord to answer the intentions we now implore. (State your intentions here…)

Blessed St. Thomas Aquinas, you taught others about faith, reason and Jesus through your writings, intercede for us so that Jesus may fill our lives with goodness and truth. Help us to be like you and your deep love for Jesus. Many people have come to know Jesus more deeply because of your writings, may we all glorify God with your intercession.

Glory Be…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Why Pray the St. Thomas Aquinas Novena?

The St. Thomas Aquinas Novena is is called on for intercession and prayers especially in the following cases:

  • Catholic universities, colleges and schools
  • Students
  • Exams

St. Thomas Aquinas’ feast day is January 28th but you can pray the St. Thomas Aquinas Novena for any reason that you want, so go ahead and start praying!

If you are looking for another novena to pray try the St. Joseph of Cupertino Prayer.

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