A Novena is an ancient devotion that consists of 9 days of prayer. Novenas are often prayed in preparation for a feast day or for a specific intention.

If you sign up for our novena reminders, we will send the right prayers to your inbox each day so you don't miss praying! Hundreds of thousands of people have benefited from these reminders. Joining will help you feel the power of praying (about one novena a month) with people around the world!

Below is a list of all the novenas that are available on PrayMoreNovenas.com - we are constantly adding more novenas so be sure to join the email list above! You can sign up to do one of the novenas below by clicking on it or you can sign up to pray together with thousands of other people: sign up here!


14 Holy Helpers Novena - The 14 Holy Helpers is a group of fourteen saints who are venerated together. Devotion to the 14 Holy Helpers began in the 1300s in what is now Western Germany.

All Saints' Day Novena - Novena to all saints in Heaven often prayed leading up to the feast of All Saints.

All Souls' Day Novena - Novena for the dearly departed and souls in purgatory.

Anniversary Novena - Wedding anniversaries can be a wonderful opportunity to renew our commitment to our spouse and to the vocation of marriage.

Annunciation Novena - Novena for the feast of the Annunciation, when the angel announced Jesus’ birth to Mary and she agreed.

Ascension Novena - Though Jesus ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, He promised that He would be with us always.

Assumption Novena - When Mary was assumed into heaven at the end of her earthly life.

Bereavement Novena - During times of bereavement, when the weight of loss feels unbearable, our faith can become a guiding light in the darkness of grief. This novena is dedicated to those navigating the stages of grief after the death of loved ones.

Bethlehem Novena - This Novena prayer is designed to help us love Jesus Christ more and to grow in virtue as we encounter Jesus in our hearts.

Black Nazarene Novena - The Black Nazarene is an image of Jesus. Many miracles have been attributed to veneration of the Black Nazarene image.

Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores Novena - Blessed Anacleto Gonzalez Flores was a martyr who lived in the 1800s-1900s. He was tortured and killed for his Faith during the persecution of Catholics under Mexico’s anti-Catholic government.

Blessed Engelmar Unzeitig Novena - Blessed Father Engelmar died because of the Nazi’s hatred for the Catholic faith. You can use this novena to seek intercession from this holy priest in many aspects of your life.

Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney Novena - Fr. Michael McGivney is the founder of the Knights of Columbus

Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro Novena

Blessed Imelda Novena - Blessed Imelda was a young girl who lived in Italy. She lived during the 1300s for only eleven years.

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Novena - Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is a modern model of Catholic young adult life. His devotion to his faith is still an inspiration to young adults today.

Blessed Solanus Casey Novena - An inspiring simple priest who is known for his good counsel. Pray this novena for his intercession and for the cause of his sainthood!

Christmas Novena - The birth of Jesus.

Christ the King Novena - The feast of Christ the King.

Conversion of the Youth Novena - In a world filled with distractions and temptations, the call to conversion echoes loudly, particularly among the youth.

Corpus Christi Novena - Celebration of the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion at the Last Supper.

Corpus Christi Novena for Eucharistic Revival - Join in the Eucharistic Revival by praying this Corpus Christi Novena

Cyril of Jerusalem Novena - St. Cyril of Jerusalem was a bishop of Jerusalem and a Doctor of the Church. Today, Cyril is remembered for defending orthodoxy during the time of the Arian heresy, and he played a part of the council that promulgated the Nicene Creed.

Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica Novena - The feast of the Dedication of the St. Mary Major Basilica celebrates the dedication of the largest church in the world that honors God through honor of Mary.

Divine Mercy Novena - The devotion given to us by Jesus through St. Faustina.

Doubting Thomas Novena for Faith - The "Doubting Thomas Novena for Faith" is a prayer inspired by the life and transformation of St. Thomas, also known as "Doubting Thomas."

Easter Novena - The Easter Novena is a nine-day prayer leading up to the celebration of Easter. This prayer offers the faithful a focused time to prepare their hearts to dive deeper into the greatest miracle of all: the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness Novena - In our fallen world, there are many reasons why we might need to forgive. When sin entered the world, the opportunity to hurt one another and to be harmed by others entered as well.

Guardian Angel Novena - They watch over us, aid us in prayer, enlighten us, guide us and protect us. Pray to your very own Guardian Angel.

Healing from Childhood Trauma - Experiences of childhood trauma can cause a lot of difficulty in a person’s life. Those who have experienced trauma in their childhoods are in great need of healing.

Holy Cross Novena - The feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Holy Family Novena - Novena prayers to St. Joseph, Mary and Jesus, the Holy Family.

Holy Innocents Novena - The Holy Innocents is the name given by the Church to the babies killed by Herod when he was seeking to kill the Christ Child. These babies lived in Bethlehem around the time that Christ was born, for a short time.

Holy Trinity Novena - Novena to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Homeschool Novena - Homeschooling can also be very difficult at times. Homeschooling families are in need of prayer and of help from God as they seek to form students for holy adulthood.

Immaculate Conception Novena - The celebration of Mary’s conception without sin.

Litany of Humility Novena - Humility is a very important virtue. It is a virtue we should strive to practice if we want to combat pride. Many sins originate from the sin of pride, so growing in humility can help us in overcoming many sins.

Litany of Trust Novena - Nine days of praying the Litany of Trust written by the Sisters of Life.

March for Life Novena - Pro-life novena leading up to the March for Life.

Maria Bambina Novena - Many miracles have been attributed to devotion to Maria Bambina. You can use this novena to seek intercession from Maria Bambina in many aspects of your life.

Mary Help of Christians Novena - Special devotion to Mary as protectress of all Christians.

Mary, Mother of God Novena - Mary, Mother of God is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a title that emphasizes important truths about the Incarnation.

Mary Queen of All Hearts Novena - Mary Queen of All Hearts is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. he title Mary Queen of All Hearts is based largely on the doctrine of Mary’s divine maternity.

Mary Undoer of Knots Novena - A devotion to Mary for complex problems.

Memorare Novena - "Flying Novena" of Mother Teresa - Mother Teresa used the memorare 9 times in a row to pray this accelerated novena when she didn’t have 9 days.

Mother Angelica Novena - Mother Angelica was a Poor Clare nun. She is best known for establishing the Catholic television network EWTN.

Mother Teresa Novena - She was a great Saint who lived charity.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Novena - The celebration of the Virgin Mary’s birth.

New Year Novena - When we have experienced great struggles, difficulties, or suffering in our lives during the past year, the New Year holiday can be a time of renewed hope and an opportunity to ask Jesus to bless our lives.

North American Martyrs Novena - The North American Martyrs were eight Jesuits who served as missionaries in North America. During conflicts between warring tribes, the North American Martyrs were tortured and killed.

Novena against Evil - We may never be able to fully understand why God sometimes allows evil in our lives and in our world, but we know that we can always turn to Him for help in our battle against evil.

Novena Against Fear - Fear is a natural human emotion, and even the most courageous people struggle with fear at times. For some people, fear can become debilitating and can interfere with living a fulfilling life.

Novena for Addiction Recovery - Addiction to a harmful substance or activity can interfere with relationships, with daily life, and even with our spiritual lives.

Novena for a Difficult Pregnancy - Pregnant women are in great need of our prayers as they cooperate with God’s plan to bring their children into the world. Women facing difficult pregnancies are in need of strength, perseverance, peace, and courage.

Novena for Adoration of the Eucharist - Eucharistic Adoration can be very fruitful for us. It can bring many graces to our prayer lives, help us grow in intimacy with Jesus in our lives, and can bring graces to others whom we pray for.

Novena for Anxiety and Depression to St. Dymphna - A novena for those suffering with Anxiety and Depression to the patron saint of these afflictions, St. Dymphna.

Novena for Baptism - Choosing to be baptized or to have your child baptized is a very important commitment. By choosing baptism, we are choosing to live a Christian life and to follow the laws of the Church.

Novena for Bishops - Bishops play a very important role within our Church. Bishops are in great need of our prayers as they work to lead the Church faithfully and to fight the attacks of the devil against the Church in our modern world.

Novena for Broken Families - Members of broken families suffer a great deal from lack of financial and emotional stability, and from many other ailments resulting from parental absence. Broken families are in great need of our prayers.

Novena for Business Success - Business endeavors can be very difficult and complicated for many reasons. The risk involved in such endeavors can be very stressful.

Novena for Cancer - Cancer can cause a lot of physical suffering and can often be deadly. Those affected by cancer are in great need of our prayers.

Novena for Catholic Schools - Education in our Catholic faith is a very important work in the Church. But some Catholic schools do not live out their mission of Catholic education very fully.

Novena for Chastity - There are multiple ways we might be called to live out chastity in our lives. Whether we are married, single, or consecrated to God, we are called to live out some form of chastity.

Novena for Chronic Illness - Chronic illness can be a very difficult cross to bear. Those who suffer from chronic illness endure a lot of physical suffering, and they sometimes suffer from mental and emotional pain as well.

Novena for Clarity - No matter what the reason for seeking clarity, we can always turn to God to ask Him to guide us toward His will for us and toward the decisions that will lead us to a closer relationship with Him.

Novena for College Graduation - Graduating from college is a big accomplishment. College students who are having difficulty reaching their graduation are in great need of our prayers

Novena for Confirmation - Confirmation is a very important sacrament for our individual spiritual lives and in the life of the Church. Through the sacrament of confirmation, we receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Novena for Conversion - All of us are in need of conversion at some level during our lives. We must continually repent of our sin and resolve to begin again as we strive for holiness.

Novena for Couples Hoping to Conceive - A novena for couples struggling with infertility.

Novena for Courage - Courage is a virtue that helps us to be strong in the face of difficulties or danger. Let’s offer prayers in the Novena for Courage, that all who are in need of courage may gain the grace to practice courage!

Novena for Depression - Despite the many sufferings we might face, God wants each one of us to be happy during our time on earth. He allows us to undergo sufferings at different times for the ultimate good of our souls and the souls of others.

Novena for Discernment - Proper discernment can be very difficult. It is not always easy to understand what God is calling us to do or to see what His will is for us.

Novena for Doctors - Doctors are a great gift to our modern society. The work that doctors perform helps many people live healthy lives and continue serving God.

Novena for Emotional Healing - It is not always easy to find emotional healing. There are many means through which we can achieve such healing in our lives, but we should always seek to do so through God’s help.

Novena for Engagement - Engagement can be a very exciting time in our lives. We are making the decision to get married to the person we love, and we begin to make plans for our wedding ceremony.

Novena for Evangelization - Those who work in evangelization are in great need of prayers to carry on their work well, and all of us are in need of grace to be able to do all that is possible in the work of bringing souls to God.

Novena for Exams - Those who are faced with exams are in need of prayers in order to do their best on the exams and to handle any associated stress well.

Novena for Eyesight - Our sense of sight is a great gift from God. We should be grateful for the ability to see and for the health of our eyes.

Novena for Family Difficulties - Some family difficulties can feel insurmountable and impossible to solve. As we deal with such difficulties or watch others deal with such difficulties, we should always turn to God for help.

Novena for Family Healing - Problems like addictions, anger issues, and unfaithfulness can take a huge toll on family life. All families that have struggled with these or other painful problems are in great need of healing.

Novena for Father’s Day - Fathers hold a significant role in family life. They are instrumental in the religious and moral formation of children.

Novena for Fertility - Struggles with fertility can be a heavy burden to bear. Those who are struggling with fertility issues are in great need of our prayers.

Novena for Financial Help - When it comes to finances, there is often stress involved if you are struggling to make ends meet, are facing an unexpected expense, or are overwhelmed by your financial situation.

Novena for Firefighters - Firefighters do a lot of important work for our world. They put out fires that are dangerous to homes, businesses, and the safety of many people.

Novena for First Communion - Reception of the Eucharist is one of the greatest gifts God has given to us. Through the gift of Holy Communion, we are able to share a deep intimacy with Jesus.

Novena for First Confession - The sacrament of confession is a wonderful gift God has given to us. We are very blessed to be able to come to the sacrament of confession for forgiveness whenever we have sinned and repented.

Novena for God’s Blessings - God is goodness itself. Every good thing in our lives is a blessing from God.

Novena for Good Friday - Good Friday is a very significant day in the life of the Church. It is the day on which we commemorate the death of Our Lord on the cross

Novena for Hope - Sustaining hope in our lives and growing in the virtue of hope can seem difficult, especially when we suffer. But we should always strive to be hopeful and to grow in this important virtue whenever we can.

Novena for Hurricanes - Novena to pray for those affected by Hurricanes

Novena for Lent - Every year, the Church enters into the season of Lent for forty days before Easter. Lent is a season for increased prayer, penance, and almsgiving.

Novena for Letting Go - There are many different things that we might need to let go of in our lives. Whenever such things happen, we are in great need of trust and surrender to God.

Novena for Liberation from Sin - Even though we know we should avoid sin at all times, temptation can be very strong. In order to truly be liberated from sin, we must rely on God’s grace and the strength He gives us.

Novena for Marriage - Marriage can be very difficult at times, and spouses can face many challenges. But the sacramental grace of marriage can sustain spouses through trials.

Novena for Mother’s Day - Mothers are a very important part of our lives and of society. They are instrumental in providing both physical and spiritual care for children.

Novena for My Bishop - The bishops carry out many important duties in our Church today. Bishops ordain new priests, administer the sacrament of confirmation, and oversee the priests of their diocese.

Novena for Nurses - Nurses play a very important role in our society. In a special way that many people do not get the chance to practice, nurses have the opportunity to carry out Jesus’ command to serve Him through service to those in need.

Novena for Ordinary Time - In the Church, we celebrate Ordinary Time for a large portion of the liturgical year. Ordinary Time is the season between Christmas and Lent and the season between Easter and Advent.

Novena for Ordination - Ordinations are occasions of great joy. We should be very grateful for the gift of the priesthood and that God ordains men to serve His Church.

Novena for Parish Renewal - Parish life is a very important part of the Church. Though some parishes are flourishing and growing, many others are in great need of renewal.

Novena for Peace in Ukraine - Pray this novena for an end to war in Ukraine.

Novena for Pilgrims - This prayer is essential for those considering or participating in a pilgrimage because it provides a structured and intentional way to prepare spiritually.

Novena for Pope Benedict XVI - The Pope is always praying for us and working to help us to have a deeper faith in Christ. It's very important for us to lift up our Holy Father in prayer.

Novena for Prisoners - We may never know all of the contributing factors that led a particular person to become a prisoner, but we do know that being a prisoner is both a trying circumstance and an opportunity for change.

Novena For Racial Healing and Reconciliation - A novena for racial healing and reconciliation.

Novena for Rain - When we are in the midst of a drought, we depend on God to send us the rain we need. When we are in need of rain, we should turn to God to ask Him to send us the rain that is necessary for our sustenance.

Novena for Reconciliation in Marriage - Marriage is a great gift God has given to us. In some troubled marriages, reconciliation between spouses can be very difficult or even impossible.

Novena for Recovery from Injury - Injury recovery can be very discouraging at times. But we should take all of our needs and frustrations with injury recovery to God.

Novena for Repentance - Repentance is a grace from God. As we work to advance in holiness and virtue, we should pray continually for the grace of repentance for our sins.

Novena for Restoration of Friendship - There are many reasons that friendships may struggle in our modern world. Misunderstandings, personal faults, or sins can all interfere with a friendship and even bring a friendship to an end.

Novena for Safe Pregnancy and Delivery - Pregnancy comes with a whole host of joys and fears, one of them being concern over the health of the baby and the mother. In this novena, we entrust the care of the mother and child into God’s hands.

Novena for Seminarians - Seminarians are very important for our Church. Seminarians must work hard to study, pray, and listen to God’s voice in their lives.

Novena for Someone in a Coma - As we cope with a loved one in a coma, we should never give up hope. We should place our needs before God in confidence, knowing that He can bring people out of comas if it is His will.

Novena for Spiritual Warfare - God will always protect us from the devil, but we must turn to Him repeatedly for help in the battles of spiritual warfare. All who are fighting spiritual warfare are in great need of our prayers

Novena for Students - From the time we are very young, most of us are students for many years of our lives. A lot of the formative years of our lives are spent as students.

Novena for Success in Education - Education and the ability to learn are gifts from God. We should be thankful to God for giving us the ability to become educated, and we should turn to Him for help as we strive for success in our educational journey.

Novena for Surrendering to the Will of God - In this novena, we pray to be able to align our will with God’s.

Novena for Teachers - Teachers are in great need of our prayers as they work to teach their students well and to influence their students for good, even when it is difficult.

Novena for Teachers - Teachers are in need of our prayers as they strive to do the job of educating others well and helping to form the minds of their students

Novena for the Abuse Crisis | Accountability, Transparency and Healing - Pray together for Accountability, Transparency and Healing from the sex abuse crisis.

Novena for the Anniversary of a Death - We know through the teachings of the Church that we are to pray for all the souls in purgatory. We should continually offer prayers for the souls of our loved ones who have died.

Novena for the Anniversary of Priestly Ordination - Pray this novena for a priest who is celebrating the anniversary of their ordination. Our priests make so many sacrifices and they pray for us so much!

Novena for the Benedictines - The Benedictines are a cloistered religious order. The Benedictines live a way of life that is full of penance, prayer, and work.

Novena for the Canonization of Fulton Sheen - Joining with the Diocese of Peoria in their call for prayers for the swift canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Novena for the Conclave - This novena is to help the conclave elect the next Pope.

Novena for the Consecration of Russia & Ukraine - Novena for the Consecration of Russia & Ukraine

Novena for the Dead - The teachings of the Catholic Church tell us that we should pray for the souls of those who have died. The Church proclaims the act of praying for the dead an act of mercy.

Novena for the Election

Novena for the End of Marxism - Marxism is also the foundation of Socialism, which continues to wreak havoc in our world today. We should fight valiantly against the evils of Marxism in every way we can.

Novena for the Franciscans - The Franciscans are a religious order founded by St. Francis of Assisi. Over the centuries, the Franciscans have done a lot of important work in our Church.

Novena for the Holy Souls in Purgatory - Our Catholic Faith teaches us that the souls of the faithful departed must be entirely purified before they enter into eternal rest in Heaven. We know that the souls of most people who have died in friendship with God must be purified in Purgatory.

Novena for the Newly Deceased - The Church considers praying for the dead to be an act of mercy. We should offer prayers and sacrifices for the souls in purgatory whenever we can.

Novena for the Parish - Parish life is very important in our Church. Through Catholic parishes, individual members of the Church are able to access the sacraments and to enter into communal worship with others.

Novena for the Persecuted Church & Religious Freedom - With threats to religious liberty around the world, I have decided to dedicate this novena for religious freedom.

Novena for the Pope - Our Church faces many difficulties and complicated situations in the modern world. The pope is responsible for helping the members of the Church to navigate these situations.

Novena for the Restoration of the Church - The Church is very important for the souls of each of us, and it is instrumental in salvation. We should pray for the Church regularly.

Novena for the Supreme Court - Those who sit on the Supreme Court hold a great amount of influence on many important issues for our country and our world.

Novena for the United States - In our modern society, there are many attacks on religious freedoms and attempts to destroy other good things in the United States. Conflict and disagreement also weaken the government and society of the United States at times.

Novena for Universities - Because of the great impact universities can have on our society, we should pray that universities will help to spread truth rather than lies or other sin.

Novena for Victims of Natural Disasters - Natural disasters can be sources of great suffering for many people. Every year, natural disasters cause destruction and devastation in our world.

Novena for Vocations to the Priesthood - Priests are immensely important for the life of the faithful. They bring us the sacraments, they preach the truths of our Faith, and they lead us closer to God through their example and their ministry.

Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Religious sisters, brothers, and priests are a very important part of the Church. Members of monastic religious orders play a significant role in providing for the Church spiritually through their prayers.

Novena for Widows - There are many people in the world whose spouses have died. Many people whose spouse has died experience suffering in their physical lives as well.

Novena of Adoration - Adoration is one of the ways we can pray to God. We can also adore Our Lord in a particular way while we are in the presence of the Holy Eucharist.

Novena of Contrition - God is always ready to forgive our sins. Perfect contrition means that we regret our sins out of love for Him and because we have hurt Him, who is all good.

Novena of Grace - Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier

Novena of Gratitude - Gratitude is a virtue that we should always strive to cultivate in our lives. We should always be grateful to God for all that He has given us, even when we don’t understand what He is doing in our lives.

Novena of Reparation for the Sins of the Church - Scandal and confusion can occur among the laity and those outside the Church. The sins of the Church have been very hurtful to humanity and to the heart of Our Lord.

Novena to End Abortion - Abortion is a grave sin and a terrible evil in our world. The deliberate ending of an unborn child’s life is always wrong, and we should do all we can to help put an end to this terrible practice.

Novena to End Human Trafficking - Those who are victims of human trafficking endure a lot of suffering. We should do all we can to bring about an end to the horrifying practice of human trafficking.

Novena to End Porn Addiction - Porn addiction is a large problem in our world. It contributes to marital problems, divorce, broken families, abuse in relationships, poor self-esteem, and many other problems in our society.

Novena to Find a Job - Losing a job, having a job that is unfulfilling, or seeing a loved one lose a job can be stressful. You can pray this novena to help you or a loved one find a new job.

Novena to Find a Spouse - The married vocation and family life are great gifts from God. Entering into the married vocation with a holy spouse is a beautiful and good goal

Novena to Get Out of Debt - We must understand that we can turn to God for help with all of our needs, even our material needs and trials. When we have financial difficulties, we can ask God to help us.

Novena to God’s Love - Out of love, Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross. He willingly chose to suffer and die because of His great love for us.

Novena to God the Father - We should never doubt God’s Fatherly love for us, even when we don’t feel His presence. The love of God the Father for us is never-ending.

Novena to Heal a Broken Heart - When we suffer from a broken heart, we are in great need of emotional and spiritual help. We should always turn God for assistance as we work through the sufferings of a broken heart.

Novena to Heal the Sick - The sick are often in great need of help from God so that they don’t become discouraged. And sometimes, those who are very sick are only able to be healed by direct, supernatural help from God.

Novena to Help Overcome Anxiety - When we suffer from anxiety, our lives can begin to feel unbearably difficult. But we can always turn to God for help in this difficulty, just as we can in every difficulty we face in our lives.

Novena to Jesus and Mary - It can be very spiritually helpful for us to contemplate Jesus and Mary together, in order that we might grow closer to Jesus through His Mother.

Novena to Jesus for Healing - Jesus is our Divine Physician, able to bring healing to any area of our lives where we need it. All who are suffering from an ailment that is in need of healing should turn to Jesus.

Novena to Keep My Job - Sometimes our jobs can be endangered due to layoffs, mishaps, or other circumstances beyond our control. But no matter the reason our job might be in danger, we can always turn to God for help in our time of need.

Novena to Mary Star of the Sea - The title of Mary, Star of the Sea refers to the translation and meaning of Mary’s name. However, it also extends much deeper than that, to embrace all of the care the Blessed Mother has over her children.

Novena to Our Lady of Fatima - Marian Aparition in Fatima Portugal.

Novena to Our Lady of Knock for the Unborn of Ireland - Pro-life Novena for Ireland to continue to protect the right to life of unborn children.

Novena to Padre Pio - Padre Pio had the stigmata and he is beloved by many Catholics.

Novena to Prevent Forest Fires - Forest fires are very destructive. We can ask God to put a stop to destructive forest fires and to help those fighting forest fires.

Novena to Quit Smoking - God understands how difficult it can be to break addictions like smoking, and He will give us the help we need if we turn to Him.

Novena to Repair a Relationship - Many times, broken relationships can be repaired. Repairing broken relationships can take a lot of work, and all who are working to repair a relationship are in great need of God’s help.

Novena to Saints Perpetua and Felicity - Saints Perpetua and Felicity were two early Christian martyrs who died together.

Novena to Saints Peter and Paul - Novena for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

Novena to St. Joseph to Find a Job - Many people turn to St. Joseph for intercession as they search for a job. He can be a powerful intercessor for all of us who are searching for good employment.

Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus - Devotion starting in 1844 with an apparition of Our Lord to a carmelite nun.

Novena to the Holy Spirit - The celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - This novena presents a profound opportunity for us to pray that Jesus may give us the Grace to be more and more like His mother and thus come closer to Him through His Immaculate Mother.

Novena to the Mother of God for the Nation - This is the Novena to the Mother of God for the Nation for religious liberties and the election.

Novena to the Risen Jesus - The Resurrection of Jesus is the most significant and profound event to ever take place in our world. When Jesus rose from the dead, He triumphed over sin and death.

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - The devotion given to us by Jesus through St. Margaret Mary.

Our Lady of Africa Novena - The Our Lady of Africa devotion is popular in both Africa and among African immigrants in other countries. Devotion to Mary under the title Our Lady of Africa became popularized in the 1800s.

Our Lady of China Novena - Our Lady of China is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to Mary under this title is associated with a Marian apparition. This apparition occurred in 1900 in Donglu, China.

Our Lady of Confidence Novena - Our Lady of Confidence is a title given to Mary. The intercession of Our Lady of Confidence has brought about many favors and miracles.

Our Lady of Czestochowa Novena - Our Lady of Czestochowa is one of the most revered icons of the Blessed Mother in the world. Housed in the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, Poland, this image has drawn millions of pilgrims seeking Mary’s intercession and protection.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Novena - Our Lady of Good Counsel is a title of Mary from an apparition in Italy. Many follow this devotion.

Our Lady of Good Remedy Novena - Our Lady of Good Remedy is a title that honors the Blessed Virgin Mary. The devotion to Our Lady of Good Remedy is more than eight hundred years old.

Our Lady of Good Success Novena - Our Lady of Good Success spoke a lot about a grave crisis that would come in the Church and in society. She spoke about the need for prayer and sacrifice.

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of Mexico.

Our Lady of Hope Novena - Our Lady of Hope is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady of Hope is also known as Our Lady of Pontmain.

Our Lady of Knock Novena - Our Lady of Knock appeared to a group of Irish villagers in Knock, County Mayo, Ireland on August 21, 1879. It is the only apparition where Our Lady did not say anything.

Our Lady of Lourdes Novena - Our Lady of Lourdes is a famous Marian apparition in France.

Our Lady of Manaoag Novena - Our Lady of Manaoag is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to Mary under this title began in the Philippines. There have been many miracles attributed to Our Lady of Manaoag.

Our Lady of Montserrat Novena - Devotion to Our Lady of Montserrat is associated with a particular image of Mary holding the Child Jesus. This image and the devotion date back several centuries.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena - Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebrates when Mary appeared at Mount Carmel to St. Simon Stock. Most notable about Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the institution of the scapular.

Our Lady of Peace Novena - Our Lady of Peace is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to Mary under the title Our Lady of Peace originated in France.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena - Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This title is associated with an icon of Our Lady from the late 1400s.

Our Lady of Pompeii Novena - Our Lady of Pompeii is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This devotion is closely involved with devotion to the Rosary.

Our Lady of Prompt Succor Novena - Our Lady of Prompt Succor is a title given to our Blessed Mother. It is associated with a wooden image of Our Lady and the Christ Child.

Our Lady of Sorrows Novena - Our Lady of Sorrows is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows originated in the 14th century. The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated in the Church the day after the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross.

Our Lady of the Rosary Novena - Our Lady of the Rosary is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This devotion began as the result of Mary’s intercession assisting Christians against Muslim aggression.

Our Lady of Velankanni Novena

Pope St. Celestine V Novena - St. Celestine V shepherded the Church during a very tumultuous time. He established the Celestine religious order.

Pope St. John I Novena - St. John I was a pope in the 500s. During his pontificate, he helped the Church navigate through the difficulties of the Arian heresy.

Pope St. John XXIII Novena - Pope St. John XXIII was a Pope who lived in the 1800s-1900s. He came to be known as the “Good Pope.”

Pope St. Leo the Great Novena - Pope St. Leo the Great was a Pope during the 400s. He was the first Pope to be given the title “the Great.”

Pope St. Paul VI Novena - Pope St. Paul VI was also well-known for writing the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which explained the Church’s position on artificial contraception. He was a holy Pope with a deep love for God and concern for the poor.

Pope St. Pius V Novena - St. Pius V lived during a time of great turmoil in the Church. During his papacy, he helped lead the Church in the counter-Reformation.

Pope St. Pius X Novena - Pope St. Pius X was a Pope who lived in the 1800s-1900s. He was also well-known for encouraging the faithful to receive Holy Communion frequently.

Prayer of Trust and Confidence by St. Padre Pio - St. Padre Pio’s devotion and life of prayer can be a great example to us in many ways. His well-known quote “Pray, hope, and don’t worry” is cited by many as a reminder to trust in God in our lives.

Presentation of the Lord Novena - The Presentation of the Lord is a great feast day in the Church. This feast celebrates the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

Sadness to Joy Novena - Sometimes it can feel daunting to try to be joyful when we are struggling with deep sadness. But we can always turn to God for help in our journey to try to leave sadness behind.

Saint Elizabeth Novena - While her appearance in Scripture was limited, Saint Elizabeth played an important role in salvation history. She was the mother of St. John the Baptist and even helped give voice to her son’s first prophetic proclamation.

Saint Helena Novena - While her life is in many ways shrouded in mystery and legend, Saint Helena became an example of piety and charity, as well as faithfulness, to God even when facing a seemingly impossible task

Saint John the Baptist Novena - St. John the Baptist was the last prophet and brought about conversion in the hearts of many, paving the way for the coming of the Savior.

Saints Joachim and Anne Novena - Sts. Joachim and Anne were the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Despite the scarcity of recorded information about them, we can infer a lot about them through what we know about their holy daughter.

Saints Louis and Zelie Martin Novena - Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin were the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux and her four sisters. They are also the first married couple to ever be canonized together!

Saints Philip and James Novena - Saints Philip and James share a feast day that commemorates the anniversary of the dedication of the sixth century church in Rome that is named after them.

Sister Wilhelmina Novena - Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster was the foundress of the Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a traditional monastic community. She was found to be apparently incorrupt in May 2023.

St. Aaron Novena - St. Aaron was a monk who lived in the 500s. He was most likely from the area that is now Britain. He was also an abbot for some time.

St. Abigail Novena - St. Abigail was a medieval Irish saint. She is also commonly known by the names of St. Gonait or St. Deborah.

St. Adalbert Novena - St. Adalbert was a bishop who lived in Prague in the 900s. He was a missionary and a martyr.

St. Adelaide Novena - St. Adelaide was an Italian saint who lived in the 900s. She was crowned Holy Roman Empress to rule alongside her husband.

St. Agabus Novena - St. Agabus was an early Christian martyr. He was mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. He was also a prophet.

St. Agatha Novena - St. Agatha was an early Christian martyr who lived in the 200s. She is one of seven women saints who are mentioned in the Canon of the Mass!

St. Agnes Novena - St. Agnes was an early Christian martyr. She lived in the 200s-300s. She is one of the saints mentioned in the Canon of the Mass.

St. Agnes of Bohemia Novena - St. Agnes of Bohemia was a princess but chose to renounce her life of riches. She was known for her great charity and austerity.

St. Albert the Great Novena - St. Albert the Great was a priest who lived in Germany during the 1200s. He was a member of the Dominican religious order. He was made a Doctor of the Church.

St. Alexander Novena - St. Alexander suffered great torture during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Decius. Despite his suffering, he courageously held fast to the Faith.

St. Alice of Schaerbeek Novena - St. Alice of Schaerbeek was a lay Cistercian sister. She lived in the 1200s. St. Alice of Schaerbeek lived a life of great holiness amidst suffering from disease.

St. Aloysius Gonzaga Novena - St. Aloysius Gonzaga was an Italian saint who lived in the 1500s. He was a member of the Jesuit religious order.

St. Alphonsa Novena - St. Alphonsa was a religious sister who lived in the early 1900s in India. She was the first Indian-born woman to be canonized!

St. Alphonsus Novena - St. Alphonsus Ligouri was an Italian priest and bishop who lived in the 1600s-1700s. He is well known for his spiritual and theological writings.

St. Ambrose Novena - St. Ambrose is the patron saint of learning and bee keeping!

St. Anastasia Novena - St. Anastasia was a martyr who lived in the late second century and early third century. She is one of the few women saints mentioned in the Canon of the Mass!

St. Andre Bessette Novena - St. Andre Bessette was a member of the Holy Cross Brothers religious order. He lived in the 1800s in Canada, and he suffered from difficult physical ailments throughout his life.

St. Andrew Avellino Novena - St. Andrew Avellino was a priest who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He lived in Italy. He was also a member of the Theatine religious order.

St. Andrew Christmas Novena - Longer Christmas novena beginning on the feast of St. Andrew.

St. Andrew Novena - St. Andrew the Apostle was one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles. Scripture tells us that he was the brother of St. Peter, and it is thought that he was one of the Apostles who was closest to Jesus.

St. Angela Merici Novena - St. Angela Merici was an Italian saint who lived in the 1400s-1500s. She was a religious educator, and she founded the Ursuline religious order.

St. Anne Novena - St. Anne is the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a great Saint!

St. Anselm of Canterbury Novena - St. Anselm of Canterbury was a monk who lived in Italy and England in the 1000s and 1100s. He was a member of the Benedictine religious order.

St. Anthony Mary Claret Novena - St. Anthony Mary Claret was an archbishop who lived in Spain in the 1800s. He was a confessor of Isabella II of Spain.

St. Anthony Novena - Well known for helping people find lost things. He was a Franciscan and is beloved by many.

St. Anthony of Padua Novena - St. Anthony of Padua was a Portuguese priest who lived in the 1100s-1200s. He began his holy work in Padua, Italy. He was also a member of the Franciscan religious order.

St. Apollonia Novena - St. Apollonia was an Early Christian martyr. She lived in the second century. She was from Alexandria.

St. Athanasius Novena - St. Athanasius was a theologian and became a doctor of the Church. He also did a lot in the fight against the Arian heresy.

St. Augustine Novena - One of the greatest defenders of the Catholic faith and renowned prodigal son.

St. Augustine of Canterbury Novena - St. Augustine of Canterbury was a monk who lived in the 500s. He preached in the area that is now England.

St. Barbara Novena - St. Barbara was an early Christian martyr who lived in Greece. She was a convert to Christianity, and she showed great courage in refusing to renounce her faith.

St. Barnabas Novena - St. Barnabas was an early Christian. He is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as a companion of St. Paul.

St. Bartholomew Novena - St. Bartholomew was one of the Apostles of Christ. He is also referred to in John’s Gospel as Nathaniel.

St. Basil the Great Novena - St. Basil the Great was a bishop and theologian. He did a lot in the fight against the early heresies.

St. Bede the Venerable Novena - St. Bede the Venerable was a British saint in the Early Church. He lived in the 600s-700s. He was a monk who was eventually declared a Doctor of the Church.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre Novena - St. Benedict Joseph Labre was a French saint. He lived in the 1700s. He was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis.

St. Benedict Novena - Famous for founding the Benedictine order and many monasteries. He is the patron saint against poisoning.

St. Bernadette Novena - Our Lady of Lourdes appeared to this young, faithful saint.

St. Bernardine of Siena Novena - St. Bernardine of Siena was a Franciscan priest. He was known as the “Apostle to Italy.”

St. Bernard of Clairvaux Novena - St. Bernard of Clairvaux was a French abbot who lived in the 1000s-1100s. He helped lead a reform of Benedictine monasticism.

St. Blaise Novena - St. Blaise was a bishop who lived in the 200s-300s, in what is now Turkey. He was also a physician.

St. Bonaventure Novena - St. Bonaventure is well-known for many of his theological writings. He is also a Doctor of the Church!

St. Boniface Novena - Saint Boniface was an 8th century monk and priest. He is known as the “apostle of Germany” for his missionary work in that country.

St. Bridget of Sweden Novena - St. Bridget of Sweden was a wife and mother in the Middle Ages. After her husband died, God called her to establish a religious order.

St. Brigid Novena - St. Brigid of Ireland is also known as St. Brigid of Kildare. St. Brigid was an abbess and established many monasteries.

St. Bruno Novena - He was the founder of the Carthusian religious order.

St. Cajetan of Thiene Novena - St. Cajetan of Thiene was an Italian priest in the 1400-1500s. He was a co-founder of Theatine religious order, and he did a lot to help reform the Church in his day!

St. Catherine Laboure Novena - St. Catherine Laboure was a French religious sister who lived in the 1800s. St. Catherine Laboure is well-known for creating the Miraculous Medal, at the request of Mary.

St. Catherine of Alexandria Novena

St. Catherine of Bologna Novena - St. Catherine of Bologna was an Italian nun. She lived in the 1400s, and she was a member of the Poor Clares.

St. Catherine of Siena Novena - A powerful and well loved saint who is also a doctor of the Church!

St. Cecilia Novena - Patron saint of music, poets and singers.

St. Charbel Novena - St. Charbel was a monk and priest of the Maronite Order who lived in Lebanon during the 1800s.

St. Charles Borromeo Novena - St. Charles Borromeo was an Italian saint who lived in the 1500s. He was an archbishop of Milan, and he was a cardinal.

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Novena - St. Charles Lwanga and his companions were Ugandan martyrs who lived during the mid-1800s.

St. Christina Novena - St. Christina was an early Christian martyr. Little is known for certain about St. Christina, but tradition holds that she lived during the third century. Legend says that she was a convert to Christianity.

St. Christopher Novena - St. Christopher is a popular Catholic saint about whom little is known with certainty. He is venerated as a martyr and most likely died in the year 251.

St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Founder of the, “Poor Clares,” and devoted follower of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare led a simple life of poverty and prayer.

St. Colette Novena - St. Colette was a French abbess who lived in the 1300s-1400s. She was one of the founders of a reform branch of the Poor Clares.

St. Cyprian Novena - St. Cyprian was a bishop of Carthage who lived in the 200s. During his time as bishop, he led his flock through persecution and internal conflict.

St. Cyril of Alexandria Novena - St. Cyril of Alexandria was a bishop who lived in the 300s-400s. He was a Patriarch of Alexandria.

St. Damien of Molokai Novena - Saint Damien of Molokai was a missionary priest who ministered to lepers in Hawaii.

St. David Novena - St. David was a Welsh monk, abbot, and bishop. He has been a very popular saint in Wales, with more than fifty churches dedicated to him in South Wales alone before the Protestant Reformation.

St. Dismas Novena - St. Dismas was the penitent thief who was crucified beside Jesus. Little is known about his life with certainty.

St. Dominic Novena - St. Dominic was a monk who lived in the middle ages. He is known for establishing the Dominican religious order and for fighting against heresy by his preaching.

St. Dominic Savio Novena - A young but very holy saint. Patron of the falsely accused.

St. Dwynwen Novena - St. Dwynwen was a Welsh nun. She lived in the 5th century. Her feast day is still celebrated today in Wales.

St. Dymphna Novena - Patroness of Depression and Anxiety, she is helpful to many who suffer.

St. Edith Stein Novena - Edith Stein, know aslo as St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross, was a Jewish convert to the Catholic faith and intellectual who was killed at the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz.

St. Edmund Campion Novena - St. Edmund Campion struggled with his faith in his early life. He came home to the Catholic Church after a long period of studying.

St. Edward Novena - St. Edward was a king who lived in England during the 900s. He reigned only a short time. During his brief time as king, he became well-known for his holiness.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Novena - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton experienced many tragedies in her life. It is her strong faith through these struggles that we remember today.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Novena - St. Elizabeth of Hungary was part of a royal family. However, her status did not make her look down on the poor. In fact, she devoted her life to serving the poor. She is celebrated today for her extreme devotion to God by serving His people.

St. Elizabeth of Portugal Novena - Just because she was royalty doesn’t mean St. Elizabeth’s life was easy. She faced many difficulties, including infidelity from her husband, family quarrels, and more

St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Novena - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity was a Carmelite nun. She lived in France in the 1800s-1900s. She was a spiritual writer and a mystic.

St. Emma Novena - St. Emma was a holy laywoman. She lived in the 10th and 11th century in the area that is now Germany. She was a married woman and was later widowed.

St. Erasmus Novena - St. Erasmus has a been a powerful intercessor for centuries, called upon for help in times of plague, trouble at sea, and stomach ailments.

St. Fabian Novena - St. Fabian was a Pope who lived in the 200s. He served as Pope for fourteen years.

St. Felix Novena - St. Felix lived in Italy in the 200s. He was a priest, and he was well-known for his generosity toward the poor.

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Novena - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen was a Capuchin friar who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He lived in an area that is now part of Switzerland.

St. Florian Novena - St. Florian was a martyr who lived in the 200s-300s. He was a Roman soldier during the persecution of Diocletian.

St. Frances of Rome Novena - St. Frances of Rome was an Italian saint who lived in the 1300s-1400s. She was a wife and a mother, as well as a mystic.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Novena - St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized a saint. She established a religious order to serve the poor in the United States.

St. Francis de Sales Novena - St. Francis de Sales was a bishop who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He lived in a time of great divisions from the Protestant Reformation.

St. Francis Novena - Founder of the Franciscan order whose holiness and tireless work helped reform the Church.

St. Gabriel Possenti Novena - St. Gabriel Possenti died before he was able to be ordained a priest. During his short life, he was well-known for his holiness and his devotion to the Sorrows of Mary.

St. Gemma Galgani Novena - St. Gemma Galgani was an Italian saint who lived in the 1800s-1900s. She imitated Jesus’ Passion in an intense way.

St. Genevieve Novena - St. Genevieve was a French saint who lived in the 400s-500s. She spent a lot of her life devoted to prayer and penance.

St. Gerard Novena - Patron of Expectant Mothers.

St. Gertrude the Great Novena - St. Gertrude the Great was a German nun who lived in the 1200s-1300s. She was a member of the Benedictine religious order.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla Novena - Patron of mothers, physicians and unborn children.

St. Gregory the Great Novena - St. Gregory the Great is the patron saint of musicians, singers, students, and teachers.

St. Gregory VII Novena - St. Gregory VII was a pope who lived in the 11th century. He was Italian by birth. His papal reign was during a time of great turmoil in the Church.

St. Hedwig Novena - St. Hedwig was a duchess who lived in the 1200s-1300s. St. Hedwig lived a holy life as a married woman and mother.

St. Henry Novena - St. Henry was a king who lived in the 900s-1000s. He became the Holy Roman Emperor in 1014.

St. Hilary Novena - St. Hilary was a bishop who lived in the 300s. He lived in Poitiers, an area of modern-day France and worked hard to combat the Arian heresy.

St. Hubert Novena - St. Hubert was a bishop who lived in the 600s-700s. He was made the first bishop of Liege, in Belgium.

St. Ignatius of Antioch Novena - The second Bishop of Antioch and a martyr who died for his faith.

St. Ignatius of Loyola Novena - St. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Society of Jesus (also known as the Jesuits).

St. Irenaeus Novena - St. Irenaeus was a bishop who lived in the 100s-200s. He was one of the most prominent theologians of his time.

St. Isaac Jogues Novena - St. Isaac Jogues was a Jesuit priest who lived in the 1600s. He worked as a missionary among the Iroquois and other Native tribes in America.

St. Isabel of France Novena - St. Isabel of France was a princess, the daughter of King Louis VIII of France. She was also the sister of St. Louis.

St. Isidore of Seville Novena - St. Isidore of Seville was an archbishop in Seville, Spain. He was instrumental in the defeat of the Arian heresy in his area.

St. James the Greater Novena - St. James the Greater was one of Jesus’ first disciples. He gave up his life for the Faith as a martyr.

St. James the Less Novena - St. James the Less was one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles. He was also the author of the Catholic Epistle of James.

St. Jerome Emiliani Novena - St. Jerome Emiliani was a priest who lived in the 1400s-1500s. Though he lived a worldly life for some time as a young man, he underwent a deep conversion.

St. Jerome Novena - St. Jerome was a priest and monk who lived in the 300s-400s. He is known for translating almost all of the Bible into Latin.

St. Joan of Arc Novena - Martyr and young saint from France who led the French army to several military victories at the direction of God.

St. John Baptist de Rossi Novena - St. John Baptist de Rossi was an Italian priest. He suffered from epileptic seizures, but he didn’t let that stop him from serving others.

St. John Bosco Novena - Patron of the youth and founder of the Salesian Order.

St. John Cantius Novena - St. John Cantius was a Polish priest who lived in the 1300-1400s. He was well-known for his virtue and knowledge. He is also known for bringing about many miracles during his lifetime and after his death.

St. John Chrysostom Novena - St. John Chrysostom was an archbishop who lived in the 300s-400s. He became a prominent figure of the early Church during his time as archbishop of Constantinople.

St. John Fisher Novena - St. John Fisher was an English Catholic priest, cardinal, and martyr who died for defending the faith against King Henry VIII.

St. John Henry Newman Novena - St. John Henry Newman is best known for the Newman Centers named in his honor. His life was a model of a search for the truth, with a particular love for education.

St. John Neumann Novena - Patron saint of Catholic education in America, sick children and immigrants.

St. John of God Novena - Founder of the Brothers Hospitallers, Saint John of God exemplified bravery, humility and holiness!

St. John of the Cross Novena - St. John of the Cross was a Carmelite priest who lived in Spain during the 1500s. He was important in the Counter-Reformation in Spain.

St. John Paul II Novena - One of the most beloved popes in history.

St John Paul II’s Novena for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit - This prayer is powerful for growing in holiness. You can pray John Paul II’s Novena for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit if you wish to grow in all of His gifts.

St. John the Apostle - St. John the Apostle, also called John the Evangelist or the Beloved Disciple, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. John authored the Gospel of John and three letters in the New Testament.

St. John Vianney Novena - Patron of Parish Priests.

St. Josaphat Novena - St. Josaphat devoted himself to healing conflict within the Church. He was eventually killed for the faith.

St. Josemaría Escrivá Novena - Founder of Opus Dei (which means “Work of God” in Latin), an institution within the Catholic Church that is dedicated to helping people follow Jesus in their daily life. He is also the patron saint of those suffering from Diabetes.

St. Joseph Cafasso Novena - St. Joseph Cafasso became well known for his work ministering to prisoners who were condemned to death. He was called the “Priest of the Gallows.”

St. Josephine Bakhita Novena - She was a slave who fought for her freedom and got it! She is the patron saint of victims of human trafficking and Sudan.

St. Joseph Novena - Husband of the blessed Virgin Mary and Foster Father of Jesus.

St. Joseph of Cupertino Novena - Patron saint of test takers, students and aviators. Also known as the “Flying Friar” because he would levitate while deep in prayer.

St. Joseph the Worker Novena - During His life, Christ worked alongside His earthly father—a lowly carpenter named Joseph. Through his work, Joseph gave the faithful an example of work as a sincere offering to God.

St. Jose Sanchez del Rio Novena - St. Jose Sanchez del Rio was a Mexican martyr from the early 1900s. He was only fourteen years old at the time of his death.

St. Juan Diego Novena - St. Juan Diego was a holy layman who lived in Mexico in the 1400s-1500s. He was the first indiginous person from the Americas to be canonized a saint.

St. Jude Novena - Probably the most popular of all the novenas, St. Jude is the patron of lost causes.

St. Juliana Falconieri Novena - St. Juliana Falconieri was an Italian religious sister. She founded the Religious Sisters of the Third Order of the Servites.

St. Julia Novena - Saint Julia of Corsica was a fifth century virgin and martyr. Her willingness to suffer was truly remarkable. She was extremely devoted to her faith. St. Julia remained strong even with the threat of torture!

St. Junipero Serra Novena - St. Junipero Serra was a Franciscan priest who lived in the 1700s. He dedicated his life to preaching and ministering to the Native Americans in modern California.

St. Justin Martyr Novena - St. Justin Martyr was a philosopher who lived in the second century. After his conversion, he wrote many important works on apologetics

St. Jutta Novena - St. Jutta was a holy German woman who lived in the 1200s. She was married with children. She eventually joined the Third Order of St. Francis.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha Novena - St. Kateri Tekakwitha is one of the most beloved modern saints. She was the first Native American to be canonized.

St. Katherine Drexel Novena - St. Katherine Drexel was the second American-born citizen to be canonized a saint. She was a wealthy heiress who gave up her fortune to become a religious sister.

St. Kieran Novena - St. Kieran was an Irish monk who lived in the 500s. He was an abbot. He was also known as one of the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland.”

St. Lawrence Novena - St. Lawrence was a deacon in the early Church. He was martyred during Emperor Valerian’s persecution of Christians.

St. Lawrence O’Toole Novena - St. Lawrence O’Toole was an archbishop of Dublin. He spent many years living as a monk.

St. Leopold Mandic Novena - St. Leopold Mandic was a priest from Eastern Europe. He was a holy and skilled confessor despite suffering from physical disabilities.

St. Leopold the Good Novena - St. Leopold the Good was a ruler of Austria in the 1000s and 1100s. He was a good and wise ruler and a very holy layman.

St. Lorenzo Ruiz Novena - St. Lorenzo Ruiz was a martyr who was from the Philippines. He was a layman who became a martyr.

St. Louis de Montfort Novena - Best known for his work 'True Devotion to Mary' and the practice of consecrating one’s life to Jesus through Mary.

St. Louis King of France Novena - St. Louis King of France lived and reigned in the 1200s. He is the only French king who has been canonized a saint. His reign was viewed as a golden age in medieval times.

St. Lucy Novena - St. Lucy was an early Christian martyr who lived in the 200s-300s. She died during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian.

St. Luke Novena - St. Luke was the author of the Gospel of Luke. He also wrote the Acts of the Apostles.

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Novena - St. Madeleine Sophie Barat was a holy French woman who lived in the 1700s and 1800s. She established the Society of the Sacred Heart.

St. Margaret Clitherow Novena - St. Margaret Clitherow was an English laywoman who lived in the 1500s. She was a convert to the Catholic Faith.

St. Margaret of Castello Novena - St. Margaret of Castello was rejected, misunderstood, and held in contempt for most of her life but she grew in holiness because of it.

St. Margaret of Cortona Novena - St. Margaret of Cortona lived in the 1200s in Italy. She was a penitent after living a sinful life. She became a very holy woman despite her past.

St. Margaret of Scotland - St. Margaret of Scotland lived in a time of great political unrest. She was well-known for her charitable works.

St. Marianne Cope Novena - St. Marianne Cope was a religious sister who lived in the 1800s-1900s. She was a German immigrant to the United States. St. Marianne eventually began caring for leprosy patients in Hawaii.

St. Mark Novena - St. Mark is the author of the Gospel of Mark. Christian tradition holds that he learned the details of Our Lord’s life from St. Peter.

St. Martha Novena - St. Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus, as Scripture tells us. She is mentioned in the Gospels of Luke and John.

St. Martin de Porres Novena - St. Martin de Porres was a Dominican lay brother. He was known for bringing about miracles during his lifetime.

St. Martin of Tours Novena - St. Martin of Tours was a monk and hermit. He was also a convert to Christianity.

St. Mary MacKillop Novena - St. Mary MacKillop was an Australian religious sister. She is also known as St. Mary of the Cross.

St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi Novena - St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi was an Italian nun who lived in the 1500s-1600s. She was a member of the Carmelites. She was also a mystic.

St. Mary Magdalene Novena - St. Mary Magdalene lived during the time of Jesus. She is considered one of the great female saints in the Church.

St. Mary of Jesus Crucified Novena - St. Mary of Jesus Crucified was a Carmelite nun from the Holy Land. She lived in the 1800s. She was a mystic and received the wounds of Christ, known as the stigmata.

St. Matilda Novena - St. Matilda was a holy woman who lived in the 800s-900s. She was a queen, and one of her sons restored the Holy Roman Empire.

St. Matthew Novena - St. Matthew was one of Jesus’ twelve apostles. He was a tax collector until Jesus called him to be an Apostle.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Novena - Hero of the concentration camp Poland.

St. Meinrad Novena - St. Meinrad was a hermit who lived in Germany in the 700s and 800s. He was a member of the Benedictine religious order. He became known as the “Martyr of Hospitality.”

St. Michael the Archangel Novena - Prince of Angels and protector of the Church.

St. Monica Novena - Monica was the mother of St. Augustine and she is known for praying for mothers, alcoholics and wayward children.

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta Novena - She was a Nobel Prize winner and helper of the poorest of the poor. She is so greatly loved that we have two different novenas you can choose from!

St. Nicholas Novena - Novena to the real St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas of Tolentino Novena - St. Nicholas of Tolentino lived in Italy in the 1200s-1300s. He was a member of the Augustinian religious order. He was also a mystic.

St. Norbert Novena - St. Norbert was a bishop in Germany. Though St. Norbert lived in a worldly manner as a young man, he became very holy.

St. Oliver Plunkett Novena - St. Oliver Plunkett was an Irish archbishop who lived in the 1600s. He faced a lot of anti-Catholic opposition during his life.

St. Paschal Baylon Novena - St. Paschal Baylon was a religious brother who lived in Spain in the 1500s. He was a member of the Franciscan religious order. He was very drawn to a life of poverty.

St. Paschasius Radbertus Novena - St. Paschasius Radbertus was a theologian who lived in the 700s-800s in France. He was a Benedictine monk. He also became an abbott.

St. Patrick Novena - Popular saint who converted all of Ireland to Christianity!

St. Paul Miki Novena - St. Paul Miki was a Japanese martyr who lived in the 1500s. He was a member of the Jesuit religious order, and he was well-known for his preaching.

St. Paul Novena - Novena to St. Paul the Apostle the great evangelist and author of epistles.

St. Paul of the Cross Novena - St. Paul of the Cross was an Italian priest who lived in the 1600s-1700s. He was a mystic, and he was graced with many supernatural phenomena during his life.

St. Pedro Calungsod Novena - St. Pedro Calungsod was a Filipino martyr. He brought many people to the Church before he was eventually killed on account of his Faith.

St. Peregrine Novena - St. Peregrine is a popular saint because he is the patron saint of Cancer Patients and this is a novena for cancer patients.

St. Peter Chrysologus Novena - St. Peter Chrysologus was a bishop who lived in the 300s-400s. He was bishop in an area of the Roman Empire called Ravenna. He became well known for his preaching.

St. Peter Claver Novena - St. Peter Claver was a Spanish priest who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He was a member of the Jesuit religious order. He also became a missionary in Columbia.

St. Peter Damian Novena - St. Peter Damian was a Benedictine monk who lived in Italy. He has also been named a Doctor of the Church.

St. Peter Novena - Apostle and the first Pope chosen by Jesus. Pray this novena that focuses on St. Peter’s zeal!

St. Philip Benizi Novena - St. Philip Benizi was a priest who lived in Italy in the 1200s. He was a member of the Servite religious order. He also contributed to reviving the Servite order.

St. Philip Neri Novena - Known as the Apostle of Rome he was very humorous and had a big heart.

St. Philomena Novena - Virgin and Martyr of the early Church, she is known for her powerful intercession.

St. Polycarp Novena - St. Polycarp was an early Christian martyr who lived in the first and second centuries. He was also a disciple of St. John the Apostle.

St. Raymond Penyafort Novena - St. Raymond Penyafort was a priest who lived in Spain in the 13th century. He was a member of the Dominican religious order. He was also a canon lawyer.

St. Rita Novena - Patron Saint of difficult marriages, impossible causes, infertility and parenthood.

St. Robert Bellarmine Novena - St. Robert Bellarmine was a Italian priest who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He was named a Doctor of the Church.

St. Roque Novena - St. Roque was a martyr from Paraguay who lived in the 1500s-1600s. He was one of the earliest martyrs from the Americas to be beatified!

St. Rosalia Novena - St. Rosalia was a holy woman who lived in Sicily during the 1100s. She lived as a hermit. During her lifetime, she achieved great holiness.

St. Rose of Lima Novena - The first canonized saint of the New World and is most well known as the patroness of Latin America and the Philippines.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Novena - St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was a religious sister who lived in the 1700s-1800s. She was a member of the Religious Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

St. Scholastica Novena - Benedictine Abbess and founder of the Sister of St. Benedict. Patron saint of nuns and convulsive children.

St. Sebastian Novena - St. Sebastian was an early Christian martyr. He was killed during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian.

Sts. Francisco and Jacinta Marto Novena

St. Silas Novena - St. Silas was a member of the early Church. He lived in the Holy Land in the first century AD. Most of what we know about him comes from the Acts of the Apostles

St. Simon Novena - St. Simon was one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles. He is often referred to as Simon the Zealot.

St. Simon Stock Novena - St. Simon Stock was a priest who lived in England in the 1100s-1200s. He was a member of the Carmelite religious order. He came to be associated with the brown scapular.

St. Stanislaus Kostka Novena - St. Stanislaus Kostka was a Jesuit novice from Poland. He lived in the 1500s and died as a young man.

St. Stanislaus Novena - St. Stanislaus was a Polish bishop who lived in the 1000s. He was known for his holiness, and he was eventually martyred for his opposition to an evil king.

St. Stephen Novena - St. Stephen was the first martyr to die for the Christian Faith. He was one of the first men to be ordained a deacon in the Church.

St. Tarcisius Novena

St. Teresa of Avila Novena - One of the first women to be named a Doctor of the Church. She is the patron saint of sick people and people in religious orders.

St. Teresa of the Andes Novena - St. Teresa of the Andes was a Carmelite nun who lived in the early 1900s in Chile. She died young from disease.

St. Theodora Guerin Novena - St. Theodora Guerin was an American saint from France who lived in the 1700s-1800s. She was a religious sister. She was also the founder of a religious order.

St. Therese Novena - A very popular Saint and doctor of the Church. She is well loved and known for promoting sacrificial love in small things.

St. Thomas Aquinas Novena - A doctor of the Church and great philosopher. He is the patron saint for Catholic schools and students.

St. Thomas More Novena - St. Thomas More is one of the Church’s married lay saints. Despite living in the world and working as a lawyer, he lived a holy life that helped him prepare for his eventual martyrdom.

St. Thorlak Novena - St. Thorlak is one of the few canonized saints from Iceland! He spent a lot of his time working on reforming the laxity of clerical celibacy and the general level of morality in his society.

St. Timothy Novena - St. Timothy was a prominent figure in the early Church. He was the first bishop of Ephesus.

St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - St. Veronica Giuliani was an Italian nun who lived in the 1600s-1700s. She was a member of the Poor Clare religious order. She was also a mystic.

St. Veronica Novena - According to tradition, Saint Veronica was the woman who wiped Jesus’ face with her veil during His Passion. Veronica’s act of kindness was rewarded by an image of Christ’s face left imprinted on the cloth.

St. Vincent de Paul Novena - St. Vincent de Paul was a French priest who lived in the late 1500s and early 1600s. He is known for his charitable work and holiness.

St. Vincent Ferrer Novena - St. Vincent Ferrer was a priest who lived in what is now Spain in the 1300s and 1400s. He became well known for his preaching.

St. Vincenza Gerosa Novena - St. Vincenza Gerosa was a religious sister who lived in Italy in the 1700s-1800s. She was a member of the Sisters of Charity of Lovere. She was also one of the founders of her order.

St. Walburga Novena - St. Walburga was a missionary who lived in the 700s. She served as a missionary to the Frankish Empire, the area that would later become Germany.

St. Wenceslaus Novena - St. Wenceslaus was a duke of Bohemia who lived in the 900s. He was murdered by political and religious opponents.

St. Zita Novena - St. Zita was an Italian saint who lived in the 1200s. She is well-known for her patronage of maids and domestic servants.

The Coronavirus Novena - Novena for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Infant of Prague Novena - Often referred to as the Infant of Prague, the devotion to the Infant Jesus has produced many miracles.

The Novena for Difficult Times - A novena to help us through difficult times.

The Novena of the Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus - This is the novena prayed by the Dominicans at the Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus in Chicago

The Novena to St. Maria Goretti - The youngest canonized saint in the history of the Church, known for her intercessory prayer for purity, chastity and miracles.

The Presentation of Mary Novena - A novena for the feast of the Presentation of Mary.

Traditional St. Anne Novena - St. Anne was mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. This is the traditional version of her novena.

Transfiguration Novena - The Transfiguration was an important event in the life of Jesus that more fully revealed His divinity. You can use this novena to grow closer to Our Lord and to contemplate His divinity more deeply.

Ulma Family Novena - This is a novena dedicated to the Ulma family, a Polish family of nine who were all martyred during WWII for the crime of hiding their Jewish neighbors.

Venerable Augustus Tolton - Venerable Augustus Tolton was the first Black priest in the United States. He endured a lot of suffering throughout his life.

Venerable Fulton Sheen Novena - Not yet a saint, but he was a great Catholic leader in America.

Venerable Patrick Peyton Novena - Venerable Patrick did a lot of work to promote praying the Rosary. He became known as the “Rosary Priest.”

Visitation Novena - The feast of the Visitation is the commemoration of Mary’s visit to St. Elizabeth. The Visitation of Mary occurred after the Annunciation.

Wedding Novena - The Wedding Novena is intended to be prayed in the days leading up to a couple’s sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church, with the last day of prayer culminating on the day of the wedding.

Other Prayers

The Our Father - The Prayer that Jesus taught us.

The Hail Mary - Prayer to our Mother Mary and the main part of the Rosary.

Divine Mercy Chaplet - The chaplet prayer given by St. Faustina.

The Litany of the Saints - A prayer that asks a long list of known saints to pray for us.

A Prayer for All Saints Day - A prayer that thanks God for the witness of the saints, and that asks God to make us holy so that we may join Him in heaven.

The Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great for the Souls in Purgatory - A prayer for the poor souls in Purgatory.

The Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

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