St. John Henry Newman Novena

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St. John Henry Newman is best known for the Newman Centers named in his honor. Pope Francis canonizing him has brought this humble, wonderful theologian priest back into popular devotion. His life was a model of a search for the truth, with a particular love for education. As a convert, priest, educator, and friend, St. John Henry Newman pointed others to Christ through all he did.

Pray the Saint John Henry Newman novena with us to ask for his intercession!

About St. John Henry Newman

With his recent canonization, many people are intrigued to know more about St. John Henry Newman’s life. And with the rise of Newman Centers at colleges and universities around the world, people want to know who these centers are named after!

St. John Henry Newman was born in London, England in 1801. His life seemed to revolve around education, which makes it understandable why he gravitated so much to the collegiate world. He went to Trinity College, continued at another school as a tutor, and then worked at a university church as its vicar for 17 years.

While honored today for the legacy he left by the establishment of Catholic collegiate centers in his name, St. John Henry Newman actually spent the first half of his life as a Protestant!

In his studies and work in colleges, St. John Henry Newman was part of a group that advocated for honoring the early Church Fathers for their work in establishing the Church. It was through this research and advocacy that St. John Henry Newman began to recognize the truth in their writings and history.

St. John Henry Newman was a tireless advocate for the truth. He began to realize that the Church founded by these early Church Fathers, so close in time to the very life and teachings of Jesus, probably was better founded on truth. This pursuit caused him to convert to Catholicism. Just two years later, he became a Catholic priest.

One of St. John Henry Newman’s most notable contributions to the Church was a re-emphasis on Her history. He helped to show how the Church developed and began to unpack the why behind Church doctrines. Many people at the time were just following these teachings without thinking why. So, he began to explain the why behind these rules to make them easier to understand. This spoke to his focus as a priest, which was to help educate the laity as well as the clergy. He believed this universal education to be vital for both the growth of knowledge and effective evangelization.

St. John Henry Newman became a cardinal in 1879 and took a quote that emphasized who he was as a priest: Cor ad cor loquitur, which means “heart speaks to heart.” While he was a very learned man who was devoted to education, especially the education of the laity, he was also a good friend and a kind man. He wanted to work on a personal level with his people. That was what he did until his death in 1890.

Following his death, a Newman Club was founded in his honor at a university in Pennsylvania. More than a century later, there are now more than 2,000 Newman Center in the United States alone. These centers are dedicated to helping college students embrace and live out their Catholic identity on college campuses.

St. John Henry Newman was canonized by Pope Francis on October 13, 2019.

Why Pray the St. John Henry Newman Novena?

Because of his dedication to education and helping college students live out their faith, St. John Henry Newman is considered the patron saint of Catholic campus ministries, particularly those at public colleges. You can pray the St. John Henry Newman novena for students who are just setting off for college, that these years of their lives will allow them to draw closer to Christ.

St. John Henry Newman is also a wonderful intercessor for anyone who works at a college or university, particularly those who work with students or in campus ministry. You can ask for St. Newman’s guidance of your work, especially that you are a role model of faith to all on campus.

If you want to learn more about Church history or doctrines, St. John Henry Newman is your man. Since he sought to illuminate the meaning behind Church history and teachings, he can surely do the same for you!

Finally, you may appreciate the St. John Henry Newman novena if you are a convert or thinking about converting to Catholicism. You can pray this novena to help guide you along your journey!

You can pray the Blessed John Henry Newman Novena for any intention!

St. John Henry Newman Novena Prayers

St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, being a college student is such a pivotal moment in a person’s life. It is the marking of when one becomes independent. One takes on so much new knowledge. It truly signifies that transition from child to adult. There is so much pressure, and as such, it’s often the time when people begin to abandon their faith.

St. John Henry Newman, you knew that this was such an important time in a person’s life; that’s why you dedicated most of your life to this group of people.

Please guide all college students, St. John Henry Newman. Convict them with newfound knowledge of Christ. Allow them to find friends and mentors on campus who will encourage their faith, not convince them that it isn’t cool. Help them to make wise, healthy choices. Allow them to use this time of discovery, not to drive them away into the arms of Satan, but rather to fall on their knees in front of God and realize how much He loves them.

Please especially ensure that all college campuses have access to regular Mass, adoration, and confession. Bless all of those who work with college students to give them these resources, especially all those that work at Newman Centers in your honor.

Please also keep in mind my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, we know that anyone who loves You is loved so much more in return. Like the one who lost one of his 99 sheep, I have to believe that your joy at a convert’s return to You must be particularly joyful.

St. John Henry Newman, you know firsthand the struggles of being a convert. As a vicar of a college church, it must have been astonishing for you to find yourself being drawn in by the truths of Catholicism. Yet, you had the grace, humility, and courage needed to accept the truth and convert to a new religion.

St. John Henry Newman, please watch over all converts. Help them as they go through the struggles that you so well know. Help their families and friends to be supportive. Encourage them to learn as much as they can about Christ. Finally, allow them to feel the joy they have at their first moment of coming home throughout their lives.

Please also allow me to feel reconverted in my heart each day. Whether I was born into Faith or am a convert myself, inspire that same joy in my own heart no matter how many days or years it’s been since I’ve learned to love God. Help me to always feel on fire and fresh with my faith!

Please also pray for my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, thank You for guiding the Church throughout history. We’ve certainly seen some ups and downs, but I pray that we always stay in Your favor and that the study of our history can help us become even better Christians today.

St. John Henry Newman, part of what converted you to the Catholic Church was seeing our history and understanding that this was the true religion founded by Christ. Since that was such a convincing factor for you, you set about to make sure that the rest of the Church also knew just how important our history is.

I know that we haven’t always followed God as best as we could as a Church. Like any individual person, we’ve strayed from what God wants many times. The recent abuse scandals in the Church have only reminded us of that more and more.

Yet, there is also hope that we can find in our Church’s history. We can see times of beauty. We can see times of great evangelization. We can see times of growth in the love and understanding of God. We can see the example of so many wonderful saints, including yourself.

St. John Henry Newman, please enlighten me on our Church’s history so that I may be fortified by its knowledge. When others look back on the Church’s history years from now, allow me to be an example that also leads others to holiness.

Please also pray for my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Jesus, when You were here on earth, You taught Your disciples about the law. But You didn’t just teach them what the laws were. You peeled them back and showed why they were important. You showed the intention behind the law.

St. John Henry Newman, can you do the same for me?

I know that one of your passions was teaching about Church doctrine. You recognized that the people of the times had fallen into the same ways as the disciples. They were following the law, but they didn’t know what it really meant.

Sometimes, our religion can seem so full of rules, St. Newman. But you saw the reason behind them. Knowing that reason makes you realize that they are not restrictive, but actually freeing. Church doctrine is beautiful! It allows us to love God in the way He wishes to be loved!

Please enlighten me about the true meaning of the Church’s laws. Encourage me to be constantly learning. Help me to understand doctrine for what it really is: a way of life and thinking that leads straight to God. Allow me to follow this doctrine, not because I am afraid of the consequences, but because I want to love God fully.

Please also keep in mind my other intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, today I bring to you all those who work at colleges and universities around the world. I pray that they take their responsibility of forming young adults seriously. May they be encouraged and inspired by the joy of the new generation!

St. John Henry Newman, it must have been exhausting sometimes working with college students. They are going through all of these emotions and transitions, all while learning so much about the world around them! But you never gave up on them, and had the monumental task of working to make sure that they also learned about God during their time at college.

Today’s college students will be tomorrow’s leaders. Please bless all of those who work with college students, St. John Henry Newman. Give them patience and discretion. Help them to be a mentor always, especially in matters of faith. Please allow them the opportunity to witness to Christ to these students and to be unafraid of speaking the truth.

I also ask that all colleges are open to faith on campus. Please especially watch over all Newman Centers named in your honor.

I also ask that you keep in mind my intentions:

(State your intentions)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, thank You for the gift of vocations. Please help us all to use this great gift of loving You in a special way!

St. John Henry Newman, despite the fact that you were a member of the clergy, you recognized the importance of educating the laity. That’s why you spent so much time dissecting Church history and doctrine, so that knowledge of faith wouldn’t only be for the clergy.

Please open this same knowledge to me. No matter my vocation, encourage me to further educate myself on the Church. Enkindle my heart to burn with further knowledge of God. When I read, listen, or watch information about the Faith, help banish distractions from my mind. Help me to find applications to my life today to make these teachings even more relevant.

Could you also inspire me to perhaps teach others more about God too? Open my heart to the possibility of serving as an educator of the faith, either through religious education, youth ministry, Bible study, or so many other opportunities. Help me to feel equipped to answer this call if it is placed on my heart.

Please also intercede on behalf of my other intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Jesus, I know You said that anyone who wishes to follow after You must take up their cross and follow You. I am willing to take up my cross, but sometimes, it seems heavier than I believe I can manage.

St. John Henry Newman, you probably faced a lot of crosses in your life. Working in higher education administration must have had its roadblocks, especially when you were trying to teach the truth. Even abandoning your Protestant faith to become a Catholic must have been challenging!

I have a cross in my life I am finding hard to bear, St. John Henry Newman. I know that it is my duty to carry it faithfully, but I need help. Can you help me to bear it?

Please pray for me, St. John Henry Newman. Ask God to give me strength to trust in Him despite the trials. Intercede on my behalf that this current cross will help me to grow in virtue and draw closer to Christ. Give me the grace of perseverance, that I may know the good this cross will win.

Please also keep in mind my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


God, You sent us the greatest role model we could ever ask for in Jesus Himself. But sometimes, it can seem difficult to attain Jesus’ level of holiness because of His divine nature. Therefore, I also appreciate the gift of the saints, who help to prove to me each day that holiness is possible.

St. John Henry Newman, some of your role models included the early Church Fathers. You devoured their writings, and in fact, it was their testimony that helped lead you to the Faith.

Similarly, I find the lives of saints like you, St. John Henry Newman, to be most inspiring on my own faith journey. I am heartened by the fact that ordinary people like me can do extraordinary things for God: so extraordinary that He blesses them by allowing miracles to happen through their intercession.

I know my path to sainthood is rocky, but yet I still strive to lead that holy of a life thanks to your modeling. Thank you for showing me what it looks like to lead a moral, holy life that is pleasing to God! Help me to always be inspired by the saints and turn to you all in times of need. Please continue to intercede on my behalf, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of my soul.

I also ask that you keep in mind my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. John Henry Newman Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Lord, when I look at all that You have done for me, I know that I should always be solid in my belief in You. Yet, when troubles come, I cannot say that is always the case.

St. John Henry Newman, today I’d like to bring to you all of those whose faith is being tested. Whether that describes myself or a friend, I know that we have all gone through these times of doubt. I’m sure you experienced that feeling in your life too!

Please be with all those currently doubting their faith, St. John Henry Newman. Enlighten their souls with joy in God’s presence. Encourage them to pray harder, study more, and never give up on their faith. Grant them the grace of perseverance, and intercede on their behalf that they may once again feel the strength of God’s love for them.

At this time, I also request that you pray on my behalf for my intentions:

(State your intentions here)

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


If you are looking for another novena to pray for studies, exams or students then try the St. Joseph of Cupertino Prayer.