A Prayer for All Saints Day

November 1st is All Saints Day! This solemnity is a day that we honor all the saints -- known & unknown!
It is generally a holy day of obligation, and we recommend double-checking that with your diocese or country as it may be different where you live.
To celebrate All Saints Day, please join us in praying this short prayer:
Prayer for All Saints Day Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints. I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven. Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ. Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did. Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbors. Amen.
The Litany of the Saints
Extra Resources:
What You Can Do To Become A Saint
Leaning in… to God’s will