St. Blaise Novena

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St. Blaise was a bishop who lived in the 200s-300s, in what is now Turkey. He was also a physician. St. Blaise was martyred in the year 316.

St. Blaise is well-known as the patron saint of throat ailments. You can use this novena to seek intercession from this holy physician in your life!

About St. Blaise

Very little is known for certain about the early life of St. Blaise. The earliest accounts of him come from medical writings of a court physician named Aëtius Amidenus, from the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth century. These writings call on St. Blaise’s aid in treating patients who have objects stuck in their throats.

Another work, called the Acts of St. Blaise, was written four hundred years later. This work gives further legendary details of St. Blaise’s life and death.

It is believed that St. Blaise was a physician who eventually turned his healing work toward the healing of souls. After some time in this work, Blaise retired to a life of solitary prayer in a cave.

St. Blaise also served as the bishop of Sebastea, the city in which he was born. When he was chosen to succeed the city’s deceased bishop, the people of the city were very pleased. 

In his role as bishop, he led his people to holiness through preaching and a deeply virtuous personal example. People came to St. Blaise to seek healing, in both physical and spiritual ailments, from far away.

St. Blaise performed many miracles of healing. Legend says that even wild animals came to him of their own accord to seek healing from him.

In the year 316, a man named Agricola who was the governor of Cappadocia and of Lesser Armenia, arrived in Sebastea. The emperor, Licinius, had ordered this man to kill all the Christians in the city. So Agricola arrested the Bishop, St. Blaise.

As Blaise was being led to his place of imprisonment, a mother brought him her only son who was choking to death on a fish bone that was lodged in the child’s throat. St. Blaise cured this child completely. 

Another legend says that, as St. Blaise was being led to prison, a poor woman told him that her pig had been stolen by a wolf. St. Blaise ordered the wolf to return the pig, and the wolf gave the pig back, alive and unharmed. When St. Blaise reached his prison, this woman brought him two fine candles to brighten the darkness of his cell.

Agricola was amazed to see Blaise perform these miracles, but he still attempted to make St. Blaise renounce his Faith. When St. Blaise refused to renounce his Faith, Agricola beat him with a stick and tore his flesh with iron combs. When these tortures did not move St. Blaise to renounce his Faith, Agricola had him beheaded.

St. Blaise’s Feast Day: February 3rd

Why Pray the St. Blaise Novena?

St. Blaise is the patron saint of throat illnesses and choking. You can ask for his prayers if you are suffering from a throat illness, if you are choking, or on behalf of someone else who is suffering from a throat illness or choking. 

St. Blaise is also the patron saint of wool combers and wool trading. You can seek his intercession if you work in the wool industry, or for someone you know who works in the wool industry.

St. Blaise is also the patron saint of animals and veterinarians. You can ask for his prayers if you are a veterinarian or work with animals. Or you can seek his intercession on behalf of someone you know who is a veterinarian or works with animals.

You can pray the St. Blaise Novena for any intention!

St. Blaise Novena Prayers

St. Blaise Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed by choosing to serve You in the priestly vocation.

St. Blaise, we know very little about your early life or the journey to your vocation. But you must have loved God deeply to have decided to dedicate your life to Him in the vocation of priest and bishop.

Please bring my petitions before God Whom you loved so deeply!

In your role as bishop, you worked to bring your people to God. You carried out the duties of your vocation faithfully, until you finally gave up your life for your Faith.

Pray for me, that I may carry out the duties of my vocation faithfully, as you did. Pray that I may devote myself to serving God, no matter the cost.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the devotion to You he showed through his devoted service as a bishop.

St. Blaise, legend says that you were a faithful and holy bishop for some time. When you were chosen as bishop for the city of Sebastea, the people of the city were pleased. And you faithfully did all you could to lead your people.

Please bring my petitions before God with such faithfulness!

As a bishop, you worked through preaching and a holy example to lead your flock and inspire them on the path to holiness.

Pray for me, that I may always seek to lead others around me to holiness. Pray that I may never miss the opportunity to bring others to God.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the virtue he showed in seeking to be an instrument of healing to those around him.

St. Blaise, your work as a healer was referred to in early medical writings. While we do not know a lot about your life, we know that you worked as a physician to heal others and eventually turned toward the work of healing souls.

Please bring my petitions before the throne of God!

Your work as a healer was so well-known that people came to you from great distances, to seek healing. Because of your holiness, God worked through you to bring about many miracles.

Pray for me, that I may always seek to be an instrument of God in my life. Pray that I may never miss an opportunity to allow God to work great things through me.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed throughout his work of healing.

St. Blaise, you worked as a physician to bring bodily healing to others. Throughout your pursuit of this work, you continued to serve God in your daily life.

Please continue to bring my petitions before God!

You were well-known for your holiness, and your prayers brought about many miracles during your lifetime. While on your way to imprisonment on account of your adherence to the Faith, your prayers brought about a miraculous healing for a boy who was choking to death.

Pray for me, that I may always seek to serve God in my daily life. Pray that I may have a faith that is strong, like yours was.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the devotion to You that he showed throughout his work as a healer.

St. Blaise, you worked to bring physical healing to others as a physician. Then, you turned your attention to bringing spiritual healing to others. You faithfully continued serving God through this mission throughout the rest of your life.

Please bring my petitions before God with such faithfulness!

Your great faith helped you to perform many miracles. People came from great distances to seek healing from you, and you continued praying that others would be healed even as you approached your death.

Pray for me, that I may have a deep faith like yours. Pray that I may seek to serve God faithfully each day, as you did.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed through his preaching as a bishop in Your service.

St. Blaise, you were chosen to succeed the deceased bishop of the city of Sebastea. In this role, you continued to serve God wholeheartedly each day.

Please continue to bring my petition before God Whom you served!

As a bishop, you led your people to holiness through your preaching and your deeply virtuous personal example. You did all you could to lead your flock toward God.

Pray for me, that I may always be ready to preach the Gospel to others in my life. Pray that I may never miss the opportunity to lead others to God when I am able to.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the virtue he showed through his courageous steadfastness, in the face of persecution. 

St. Blaise, you were serving as the bishop of Sebastea when the emperor, Licinius, ordered the governor to kill all Christians in the city. Though you could have saved your life by renouncing your Faith, you persevered and remained faithful.

Please persevere in bringing my petitions before God!

While imprisoned for your Faith, you were tortured brutally with iron combs and beatings. But despite your sufferings, you held fast courageously and refused to renounce your Faith.

Pray for me, that I may always be courageous in my practice of the Faith. Pray that I may be ready even to give up my life, if necessary.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed in holding fast to his Faith amidst imprisonment and torture.

St. Blaise, you were arrested by the governor as he began his persecution of Christians in your city. But rather than renounce your Faith, you held fast courageously and even took every opportunity to continue working healing miracles for others.

Please continue to bring my petitions before the throne of God! 

Despite the miracles that your worked, the governor persisted in trying to make you renounce your Faith. You were beaten with a stick and your flesh was torn with iron combs, but these tortures did nothing to make you renounce your Faith.

Pray for me, that I may be as steadfast amidst suffering as you were. Pray that I may never allow even the worst sufferings or death to weaken my devotion to God.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Blaise Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Your servant, St. Blaise, as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the devotion to You that he showed through his life of service to Your Church.

St. Blaise, you devoted your life to serving God as a healer of body and soul, and as a bishop. In your role as bishop, you served God by leading your flock closer to Him in every way you could.

Please continue to bring my petitions before God Whom you served!

Your service to God and His Church did not stop even as you approached your martyrdom. You continued to heal those who came to you, even as you were being led to imprisonment. 

Pray for me, that I may always seek to serve the Church in every way I can. Pray that I may be as devoted to serving God as you were.

Please also pray for (mention your intentions here).

St. Blaise, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
