Day 1 – The St. John Vianney Novena

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Believe in yourself and all that you are. (3)Here’s Day 1 of the St. John Vianney Novena!

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  1. Dear St. John Vianney,

    Please assist my son, Patrick, along the path chosen for him by our Heavenly Father. Help him to remain wise & pure in mind and heart. Please help him to arrange the best courses for him for his first semester in college so he will be challenged, but not overrun.

    Keep all my children on the path chosen for them before they were born by Our Heavenly Father.


  2. I ask humbly for prayers for St. John’s intercession for my husband Paul to soften his heart toward me and our marriage. Please ask for the Lord’s guidance to Paul for his salvation, healing of our marriage, and to end his affair with a married coworker. I pray to St. John for his intercession in rebuking the demon’s against our marriage and our coworker’s marriage. Bless you all!

  3. Offering this Novena for our son entering his 4th year of Seminary. Praying for his spiritual protection and to do well in his studies. also for our Priests, Seminarians and Religious.

  4. Praying for our parish priests, the priests of the Emmanuel Community, and those discerning a call to religious life.
    Also praying for St. John Vianney to intercede on the behalf of my friends who are homeless, that they may have their own home for their family.

  5. My prayer request ask that the Lord will heal my body and help me with my finance Overlord have mercy upon me healed my body from all the pain and the agony that I will be able to work thank you for all the many blessings that you have given me and I just ask you Lord to please heal my back ease the pain that I will be able to work in Jesus name AMEN

  6. Saints John my lords be with us. My friend still didn’t call me yet is one year tomorrow. I don’t know what to do only you now. My saints John make me understands better and what next for me. Amen

  7. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands.Please bless my finances. I would like to pay off all my debts. Lord I want to get a new job with a better salary.

  8. Praying for all the priests in my parish here in ireland. Also for all out there across the world praying this novena I pray for your intentions as for my own situation in my life I have decisions to make and I’m afraid and really need the holy spirit to guide me and the grace to sustain me.god knows my situation and I leave everything over to his son jesus through the intersession of St vianney.amen.

  9. For healing and fruit of the womb. l also pray for souls in purgatory especially for soul of Peter and Alpna. for other intentions not mentioned

  10. Please pray for the priest living and dead that I have known throughout my life. A young lady is at Planned Parenthood today contemplating abortion. Also for all the intentions I hold close to my heart.

  11. Please pray for little Laura’s healing so she can stop being oxigen dependent. I ask for Faith, Health and Wisdom. I pray for courageous priests who, like you, devoted their lives to God and the salvation of Souls. I pray for S. M. conversion and return to the body of Christ of family members. Amen.

  12. Praying that my young son and his wife open their hearts to understanding and by reconciled with the Church; for my husband and I to become closer and more patient as we celebrate 53 years years of marriage; for us and all of our children, their spouses and our grandchildren and great grandchildren to be safe, holy and pleasing to God, keep His commandments and live eternally in heaven with Him. For my mother to have the grace of a happy, holy death. Thanksgiving for good health and answered prayers.

  13. The desire and will to stop smoking asap, may the good Lord deliver me from this addiction and bondage, St. John Vianny pray for us Amen

  14. Please intercede for Ronnie Lohr that the doctors will be able to heal him fully of the cancerous mass in his eye and that the cancer has not spread anywhere else in his body. Thank you, St. John Vianney.

  15. I pray that my spouse John will start feeling better with the new doctors helping him, and try to find out what exactly is wrong, why he is feeling so weak, tired, stressed, and sad most of the time. I pray for his healing. I also pray for our Priest, and my family. I pray for my daughter-in-law who has Lupus. I pray for our daughters happiness and health, and our son’s happiness and health, in Jesus’ name we pray. Thank you Jesus for your Blessings.

  16. Thank you Lord for letting me find this site. I ask you to help me to complete my studies that I began 3 years ago and use them in a way to praise the Lord. Bless all the priests who have guided my soul to this point in my life and give them the strength to continue their mission in life.

  17. Intercede for my sister Ann’s full recovery of leukemia and stronger heart. I also ask for the conversion of my husband & stepson as well as for my parish priests. I ask your intercession for my sister Margaret, that she may find a full time job with good benefits. Thank you and Amen.

  18. Lord God
    I pray this novena that this new school year will be a complete success
    for my grandson who is entering 1st grade. I pray that he will have patient and understanding teachers and that my grandson will follow your commands to love God , respect his parents , teachers and be obedient. I pray that he will enjoy his 1st grade year.

  19. Lord jesus I place my financial needs into your hands.Please bless my finances. I would like to pay off all my debts. Lord jesus I want to go back out to work in a better position than I left.

  20. Praying that my brother Eddie will be cured of his cancer and for the safety & health of my 3 sons. Thank you .

  21. I pray for my husband that his heart softens and allows God to touch his heart and guide him. Most of all I pray that my husband recognizes, feels and believes in God’s love for him.

  22. Your complete and perfect healing for: Karen, Marsha, Rose, Mary, Suzanne, Andrew, Dane, Nickey.

  23. I pray my very special friend to open his heart, mind and realize how much I love him and to get closer and closer to me and he apologize to me for all the wrong things did to me.